Foods That Can Kill The Sperm That Men Should Avoid Eating Often

Fertility in most men has been linked to not just the quantity, but the quality of sperm produced most times. According to Healthline, most men whose quality of sperm production is not good enough for fertility might find it difficult to conceive, and there are foods that can affect the quantity and quality of a man’s sperm production. Below are some foods that men needs to avoid it’s regular consumption so as to keep their potency and sperm production healthy….CONTINUE READING

First, you might want to stay away from processed and packaged foods.

Trans fat, high amount of sugar and salt, and preservatives are some of the negative impact of processed and packages foods. Usual intake of these foods might lower your sperm quality and reduce fertility in general.

Secondly, soy products.

Most soy products contains high amount of phytoestrogen which is present in plant compounds, and tend to produce effects like the hormone oestrogen when consumed regularly. The effect of this can be detrimental to a man’s sperm production.

Thirdly, alcohol

Alcohol has been linked to lower sperm quality in many recent health research and should be avoided at all cost. Excessive intake of alcohol can damage the sperm cell, reduce sperm count and generally affect the flow of sperm when released.

Fourthly, red and processed meat.

The saturated fat contained in red meats have been linked to reduce sperm motility and viability. Instead, take lean meats like fish or other good proteinous meals like fish.

Fifthly, avoid too much caffeine intake.

Caffeine is generally nutritious to the body and can help regulate a man’s brain when taken moderately, but studies have shown that too much of it can lower a man’s sperm production based on quantity and quality. You should watch your caffeine intake and regulate it to no more than 300mg daily.

Sixthly, high-mecury fish.

High-mecury fishes like shark and swordfish could damage a man’s sperm count when consumed regularly. Instead choose the low-mecury fishes like trout and salmon.

Seventhly, fast foods.

Home cooked meals are the best, since you can watch what you add and subtract by yourself. Fast foods are helpful when you do not always have enough time to cook, but you should know that they can contain too much trans fats, sugar, salt and other ingredients that could be detrimental to your sperm motility. Opt for home cooked meals today for good sperm viability.

Eighthly, sugary drinks and sodas.

The high amount of artificial sugar in these drinks can lower a man’s sperm production and reduce sperm count and fertility. Take more natural water and naturally made fruit juice or beverages to quench your thirst and help maintain good health generally.

Ninthly, high glycemic index foods.

Foods like white bread, pasta, and rice contains high glycemic index, and can increase the body’s blood sugar level. An increase in the body’s blood sugar level can cause inflammation and negatively impact sperm count and fertility. Reducing intake of these foods is good for your general health.

Lastly, fried foods.

Fried foods contains high amount of saturated and trans fat which can reduce sperm production in men. However, there are healthy fats that men can consume such as the fats found in seeds and nuts.

Staying away from some meals might not be easy, especially if you are addicted to it, but remember that your health is your number one goal. You should also note that a good diet will not only increase your sperm quantity and quality, but will improve your health generally….CONTINUE READING