Drinks For Bloating: 7 Drink Recipes To Help You Get Rid of Stomach Gas

Here are some homemade drink recipes that can help you get rid of stomach gas…..CONTINUE READING

Do you regularly suffer from a bloated stomach? Is a bloated stomach giving you hard times? Then you are at the right place. Stomach gas or bloating is something that only makes your daily activities hard to be performed, but also makes you feel pretty uncomfortable. Several factors can contribute to this condition, including poor eating habits (drinking too many carbonated beverages, eating too fast, consuming foods that are gassy or high in lactose (onion, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, legumes etc.) Sometimes, stomach gas and bloating can also get serious, and require hospitalisation. What to do then? Well, taking care of your diet and lifestyle habits is important. To make this easier for you, we have jotted down 7 drinks that could offer you some relief when your stomach gas goes out of control.
Causes of Stomach Gas

Several lifestyle activities and poor food habits, together contribute to the worsening condition of the stomach. Gas and bloating are just symptoms that you are not doing the right thing for your body. Here is a list of all the causes of stomach gas

and feeling bloated all the time:

Eating oily and spicy foods

Not drinking enough water

Not get bowel movements regularly

Not eating greens daily


Not chewing foods properly

Eating too many raw foods

Consuming red meat (pork, mutton, beef, etc)
Symptoms of Gas And Bloating

Health conditions, be they mild or severe, always comes with a set of warning symptoms. The same is for stomach gas and bloating. Here is a list of all the signs and symptoms of stomach gas and bloating that you should be aware of:

Pain in the lower abdomen

Feeling full

Stomach bloating


Not feeling hungry

Passing gas




Unexplained weight loss along with gas symptoms
7 Drink Recipes To Help You Get Rid of Stomach Gas

Stomach gas not only makes you feel full or bloated but also causes unmanageable pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower portion. And since it gets triggered by what you eat and drink, here are some homemade drink recipes that can help you get rid of stomach gas. Check them out! (Note: Do not make any changes to your diet without consulting a doctor or a physician).
Green Tea

One of the most important drinks that one should add to their diet when suffering from gas and bloating is a cup of green tea. A warm cup of freshly brewed green tea without any sugar or milk, can boost your metabolism rate and can act like a prebiotic (non-digestible food fibers that stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut). Green tea

should be consumed with something when drinking in the morning. Never drink green tea on an empty stomach as it may trigger the production of stomach gas which can further worsen your stomach bloating.
Lemon-Cucumber Infused Water

What is the best way to beat gas and bloating? Drink enough amount of water to help your body flush out the toxins. However, drinking water can be challenging for some. Therefore, we suggest you consume water infused with a slice or two of lemon or cucumber. This way you will not only be able to drink more water but also the vitamins and nutrients present in lemon and cucumber can help you beat bloating and get relief from stomach gas.
Mint Water

Mint water or pudina paani can be a great drink for your stomach. All you need to do is take a saucepan and add some water. Bring it to boil and add some pudina leaves or mint leaves. Now, strain the drink and consume it. Chewing on mint leaves is the best home remedy to umpteen stomach-related ailments like indigestion, bloating, acidity, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting.
Peppermint And Honey Tea

Apart from making yourself water infused with mint leaves, you can also add peppermint tea to your diet to help you release gas. Peppermint helps in relieving stomach cramps and also relaxes the body. This makes peppermint tea the perfect drink for getting rid of belly bloat. You can add some honey and a pinch of black pepper powder to this drink to make it more effective.
Coconut Water

A great source of potassium that plays a big role in settling down the stomach, plus it is also good for keeping the body hydrated, which is a contributing factor to stomach gas and bloating.
Ginger Tea

A great herb for all the problems inside your stomach, ginger is like a one-man army. Ginger helps in weight loss, beating cold and cough, and also stomach gas or bloating. Yes, you heard that right. Ginger

, one of the easily available herbs in the kitchen is a great home remedy for stomach gas and bloating. Ginger has compounds called gingerols that have anti-inflammatory benefits, this helps in digestion, and thus keeps bloating and stomach gas at bay.
Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds or saunf is another great herb for treating stomach related-illnesses. Drinking a cup of fennel seeds tea can do wonders to your stomach health. All you need to add some crushed or whole seeds to a cup of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Enjoy this tea early in the morning to see the results fast.…..CONTINUE READING