Things That Can Happen To Your Body If You Stop Having S£x

People go through dry spells in the bedroom for a variety of reasons. They could be distracted, or they could be single. According to the article published by the WebMD, What Happens If You Stop Having Sex?…..CONTINUE READING

If you take a long enough sabbatical, however, it may affect your physique and other elements of your life. Keep in mind, however, that there is no “ideal” quantity for everyone.
Stress and Anxiety

If you don’t have sex with your spouse on a regular basis, you may feel less connected to them, which means you don’t talk about your feelings as much or get as much help handling daily stressors.

intimacy also triggers the production of stress-relieving chemicals like oxytocin and endorphins in your body. Oxytocin has the added benefit of promoting sleep. Intimacy also triggers the production of stress-relieving chemicals like oxytocin and endorphins in your body. Oxytocin has the added benefit of promoting sleep.

Although research is still in its early stages, certain studies have found that persons who have intimacy frequently have greater memory recall. There are also indications that intimacy can help your brain grow neurons and function more effectively in general.
Relationship Well-Being

intimacy on a regular basis allows you to feel emotionally connected to your partner, which facilitates greater communication. Couples who have intimacy more frequently report being happy than those who have it less frequently.

It does not, however, have to happen every day; once a week appears to suffice. This appears to be true independent of your age, gender, or relationship length.
System of the Immune

Because regular sex might help your body fight sickness, having it less frequently may result in more colds and other illnesses. In one study, college students who had intimacy once or twice a week had greater levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which plays a key role in the immune system.
Lubrication and Vaginal Walls

If you’ve gone through menopause, you have yet more reason to keep having intimacy. Your vaginal tissues might shrink and tighten without regular intercourse, making you more likely to get damaged, tear, or even bleed during intimacy. This can be so distressing that women who are experiencing these symptoms avoid having intercourse, which can exacerbate the problem.…..CONTINUE READING