3 Things To Avoid That Can Cause Reduction In Male Genital Size

P*nis shrinkage is a decrease in male private organ size. Sometimes, the shrinkage is permanent, and other times, it is the result of a treatable condition or due to lifestyle habits. Size varies amongst men, and in some cases, considerably. A study shows that neither race nor ethnicity has anything to do with male genital size..…CONTINUE READING

The length of your genitals can decrease by up to an inch or so for various reasons. Usually, changes to p*nis size are smaller than an inch, however, and may be closer to 1/2 an inch or less. A slightly shorter genital won’t affect your ability to have an active, satisfying sex life.

According to Mayoclinic, here are things that can cause genital shrinkage.

Peyronie’s disease

Fibrous scar tissue develops inside the genital leading to becoming curved during erection if someone is suffering from Peyronie’s disease. A curved erection is a reason of getting worried, but for few men, the bend might be painful. Men may suffer from Peyronie’s disease, as they age. Furthermore, it can result in a reduction in length and circumference of your p*nis. Hence, you may be suggested to opt for surgery by your expert to get rid of the scar tissue which can lead to shrinkage, bending, or pain.


Smoking can considerably affect the size of your manhood due to the blockage that small tobacco smoke particles create in the arteries that supply blood to the . Moreover, since smoking is associated with heart diseases, the flow of blood to several organs in the body gets affected including the male genital.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of exercises can cause unhealthy weight gain and fat accumulation. The impact of weight gain, particularly around the stomach, is a genuine concern for many men as they age. Although a man’s genital may appear smaller with weight gain, it has not shrunk. The reason it looks smaller is that the genital is attached to the abdominal wall, and when belly expands, it pulls the p*nis inward. If a man loses weight, his genital will regain its usual shape and size..…CONTINUE READING