Foods That Can Damage Your Kidney If Consumed On A Regular Basis

Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs that play a vital role in your body. They are in charge of blood filtering, waste elimination via urine, hormone production, mineral regulation, and fluid balance.…..CONTINUE READING

According to Healthline, kidney disease is caused by a range of risk factors. The most prevalent are uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. Additionally, drinking, heart disease, hepatitis C, and HIV all contribute to kidney damage.

When the kidneys become impaired or unable to function properly, fluid and waste can build up in the body and blood.

On the other hand, avoiding or limiting some foods in your diet may improve kidney function, aid reduce waste product accumulation in the blood, and prevent future injury.
1. Dark-colored soda

Along with calories and sugar, sodas contain phosphorus-containing molecules, particularly dark-colored beverages.

Numerous food and beverage manufacturers incorporate phosphorus into their products during the manufacturing process to enhance flavour, increase shelf life, and prevent discoloration. This added phosphorus is more easily absorbed by the body than natural, animal-derived, or plant-derived phosphorus.

Unlike natural phosphorus, phosphorus in the form of additions is not bound to protein. It is found as salt and is readily absorbed by the intestinal tract.
2. Avocado

Avocados are generally lauded for their nutritional value, which includes heart-healthy fats, fibre, and antioxidants.

While avocados are a generally healthy addition to any diet, they should be avoided by persons who have kidney difficulties. This is due to avocados’ high potassium content.

Avocados should be consumed in moderation or avoided entirely while on a renal diet. Bear in mind, however, that everyone’s needs are unique, and the most critical factor to consider is your overall diet and health goals.
3. Canned foods

Canned goods such as soups, vegetables, and beans are widely purchased due to their low cost and convenience.

However, because salt is added as a preservative to increase shelf life, the majority of canned items contain a high sodium content. Due to the salt level of canned goods, it is frequently recommended that people with kidney disease avoid or limit their use.

Additionally, draining and rinsing canned goods such as beans and tuna can assist in lowering salt levels.
4. Whole wheat bread

Selecting the appropriate bread may be challenging for individuals suffering from kidney disease. Whole wheat bread is typically recommended over refined white flour bread for healthy people.

Due to the higher fibre content of whole wheat bread, it is a more nutritious option. White bread, on the other hand, is typically preferred by persons with kidney illness over whole wheat varieties.

This is because it contains a high quantity of phosphorus and potassium. Bread with a greater phosphorus and potassium content contain more bran and entire grains.
5. Bananas

Bananas are well-known for containing a high amount of potassium. Bananas include a high potassium content and should be avoided by those on a renal diet. Pineapple is a kidney-friendly fruit due to its lower potassium content than other tropical fruits.
6. Dairy products

Vitamins and minerals are abundant in dairy products. They’re a good source of protein and a natural source of phosphate and potassium.

However, when paired with other phosphorus-rich foods, excessive dairy product consumption can be detrimental to bone health in those with kidney disease. This may come as a surprise given the frequency with which milk and dairy products are recommended for bone and muscle health.
7. Oranges with orange juice

While oranges and orange juice are probably best known for their vitamin C content, they also contain a significant amount of potassium.

Due to their high potassium content, oranges and orange juice should be avoided or consumed in moderation on a renal diet. Grapes, apples, and cranberries, as well as their juices, all make excellent substitutes for oranges and orange juice due to their lower potassium content.
8. Processed meat

Processed meats have a long history of being associated with chronic disease and are often viewed as unhealthy due to their high preservative content.

Processed meats are those that have been salted, dried, cured, or canned. These meats frequently contain significant amounts of salt, mostly to improve and keep flavour. Additionally, they’re are high in protein.
9. Potatoes and sweet potatoes

Potassium is abundant in potatoes and sweet potatoes. Potassium is abundant in potatoes and sweet potatoes. Boiling or twice boiling potatoes can significantly lower their potassium content by up to 50%.
10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are potassium-rich fruit that may be incompatible with a kidney-friendly diet. They are delicious raw or stewed and are widely used in sauces.

Choosing a potassium-reduced option is mostly governed by personal taste preferences. However, substituting roasted red pepper sauce for tomato sauce might provide a similar amount of flavour and potassium per serving.…..CONTINUE READING