Dangerous Drug Mistakes You Should Avoid

Drug mistakes can have serious consequences and it’s important to be aware of how to take your medicine correctly. Dangerous drug mistakes can have severe consequences from minor side effects to hospitalization. From improper storage to incorrect methods of taking your medicine, it is essential to be informed about what to do and what not to do when managing your and your family’s health…..CONTINUE READING

According to webmd, There are some common drug mistakes that you should avoid. Taking a wrong dose of medicine is one of them. Doses for any medication are prescribed based on the patient’s age, weight, other conditions, and other medications. Taking too much can result in a dangerous drug interaction or an overdose. On the other hand, if you take less than the prescribed amount, you may not get the full benefit from the medication or the condition could worsen.

It is important to read the correct directions for taking your medicine. Different drugs must be taken in different ways such as with or without food, crushed, dissolved in water or other liquids, swallowed as a pill, or absorbed under the tongue. Not following the instructions could lead to an ineffective treatment or cause minor to severe side effects. If you don’t understand how to take your medicine, be sure to check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Another common mistake that people make is not finishing their entire course of medicine. Some medicines must be taken for the full time and length prescribed in order to get the full benefit from them. Stopping the medication too soon, or even too late, could cause the condition to worsen or increase the risk of developing drug resistance.

People may also use expired medications without realizing it. Each medication has an expiration day and time on the package. Expired drugs could become dangerous as the active ingredients break down and become ineffective. They may also contain harmful ingredients or can cause adverse reactions in your body.

Adding over-the-counter medications to a prescribed drug can also be a serious mistake. Over-the-counter medications contain different types of chemicals and some may change the way prescribed drugs affect the body. Consulting your healthcare provider or pharmacist about any over-the-counter drugs you are taking is critical.

Mixing alcohol and drugs is also dangerous. Alcohol can be a depressant, while certain medications act as stimulants. Mixing the two can lead to dangerous drug interactions, and even in extreme cases, coma or death.

It is also important to check that your medication is stored correctly. The temperature and humidity can change the active ingredients of drugs, making them potentially dangerous. Many medications can be stored in cool, dry places and away from direct sunlight. Some medicines must be refrigerated for optimal effects and also for safety purposes.

Finally, do not take another person’s medicine. Every individual’s body chemistry and body weight are different and can affect how a medication works. Do not divert medications intended for someone else to yourself or to another person.

It is essential to pay attention to these drug mistakes and to take any medications responsibly. Be sure to speak with your healthcare practitioner or pharmacist to learn more about prescribed medicines and how to properly take them. Taking the time to better understand medications and how to use them correctly can go a long way in keeping everyone safe…..CONTINUE READING