He Is The Reason I Don’t Introduce Any Man To My Sister

I fell in love with Eric when I was just in high school. We tried our best to keep our relationship under wraps but love like ours burned as bright as the morning star. How can you hide something that glorious? I knew I couldn’t keep it all to myself so I told the one person in my life that I trusted more than anyone, my elder sister. She was my go-to person in all things….CONTINUE READING

Seeing as Eric was my first boyfriend, I counted on my sister’s guidance when it came to my relationship. I discussed our problems with her and sought her counsel. When he gave me gifts I showed them to her. And Eric was fluent in gifts. He knew how to buy me the kind of nice things that I would love. He was also very generous with money. The guy took good care of me.

I never expected to be the recipient of such generosity when I agreed to date him. I was only following my heart by being with someone I love. So I was always surprised and appreciative when he gave me something. Sometimes I would be so happy that I would discuss in great detail to my sister, how amazing Eric is. She was always supportive. “Eric is good for you,” she would say, “I pray nothing comes between the two of you.” I also prayed that we would be together till death do us part.

We were together till I completed High school and gained admission to the university. We were always together whenever I came home for Christmas breaks and vacations. Honestly, it got to a time when I suspected my sister was jealous of what we had. However, I didn’t pay attention to my mind. This is my elder sister we are talking about. How can she want my boyfriend? I even convinced myself that even if she wanted him she couldn’t have him. “Eric loves me too much to pay attention to anyone else. They can try to steal him but they won’t succeed,” I believed.

One semester, I came home from school and all of a sudden Eric was all over my phone. “I want to go through your phone,” he announced. This wasn’t part of our relationship so I was surprised. He told me, “I don’t trust that no guy has shown interest in you all this while you’ve been in that school. I need to see your phone to be sure that I am the only man in your life.”

I felt offended that he thought that way about me. I considered it a stain on the trust we shared. What does it matter if guys are showing interest in me? He should trust me not to pay them any attention. He tried his best but I refused to give him access to my phone. It isn’t that I had anything to hide. I just didn’t want to be treated like a cheat when I had done nothing but be faithful to him. He continued to drag out the issue till I left for school.

I was in school when he came to see me. I was so happy when I saw him. I thought he had decided to let go of his accusations and make peace. But that was not the case. He rather came to collect my phone. He was the one who gave it to me so he wanted it back. I was shocked and very hurt. Eric had never given me a gift and asked for it back. I wanted to ask questions but I thought better of it. I didn’t even argue with him. I gave him his phone and found a way to get another one for myself.

Two months after this incident Eric told me, “I need to confess something to you.” Nothing good ever follows a statement like that. So I braced myself as I asked him, “What happened?” He sighed, and breathed heavily for about a minute before finally uttering the heart-shattering words, “I slept with your sister.” Yes, you read that right. The man I envisioned the rest of my life with had shuperu with my elder sister.

My heart was completely broken but I asked him to tell me how it happened. I wanted to know if it was something that happened in a moment of weakness. It wouldn’t make it any less painful but at least it would be forgivable. He told me it didn’t happen only once. If it did, then it would be a mistake. No, they did it on six different occasions. We can’t call this an error in judgment.

I remember asking him, “Why are you now coming clean? What do you seek to achieve by telling me this?” That was when he broke the news that he had been working on some travel documents. However, he always hit a roadblock when it came to securing a visa. He consulted his spiritual father, and the man told him that a lady cursed him out of heartbreak. So he concluded that I found out about his betrayal and cursed him.

“Please, forgive me and lift the curse,” he pleaded. I told him I didn’t curse him so I am not the one he should be asking forgiveness from. However, I insulted him for two-timing me and my sister. What he did was abominable and there was no coming back from that. He broke my heart and altered the way I viewed love and relationships. Don’t get me started on the damage it did to my relationship with my sister.

To this day, I am not able to introduce anyone I am dating to her. I don’t even let her see them in person. She only gets to know about my relationships when I post someone on my WhatsApp status. As for Eric, I found out later that the person who cursed him is his ex. If I didn’t curse him after what he did to me then only God knows what he must have done to her….CONTINUE READING