4 Reasons Why Some People Cannot Be Infected With HIV/AIDS

Some people cannot be infected with HIV/AIDS due to various factors that confer natural resistance to the virus. Here are four reasons:.CONTINUE READING

1. Genetic Mutations.

Some individuals possess genetic mutations that make them less susceptible to HIV infection. For example, a mutation in the CCR5 gene called CCR5-delta32 prevents the virus from entering immune cells, reducing the risk of infection.

2. Immune System Response.

Certain individuals have a more robust immune system that can effectively recognize and neutralize HIV. These individuals may produce higher levels of specific antibodies or immune cells that can target and clear the virus before it establishes an infection.

3. Chemokines and Restriction Factors.

Chemokines and restriction factors are proteins that inhibit HIV replication within cells. Some people naturally produce higher levels of these factors, limiting the virus’s ability to spread.

4. Behavioral Factors.

Individuals who consistently practice safe sex, use clean needles for drug use, and take preventive measures are less likely to contract HIV. Engaging in responsible behaviors significantly reduces the risk of exposure to the virus.CONTINUE READING