Girlfriend From Rich Background Broke Up With Her Poor Boyfriend For Helping a Lady In The Little Way He Could

Harry never believed that he and Diana would have to break up. They were so close that they could understand each other at a glance. Diana grew up in a wealthy family, while Harry was raised only by his mother, and there was never much wealth in the family. But as a child, this difference was not really noticed. Diana had a lot of toys, gorgeous clothes, and she treated Harry with such sweets that he had never seen in ordinary stores…..CONTINUE READING

Harry also tried to make presents for Diana. He passionately made toy houses out of cardboard for her, cut out of wood furniture for dolls. Most of all, Diana liked in Harry that he, as no one else, knew how to cheer her up and that he never got discouraged or boring. As she became a little older, Diana became more demanding, but it did not prevent them from having much fun together without noticing the passage of time.

Now the boy tried to go with Diana to the movies or a cafe. Of course, trips to cafes were rare because he could only spend the money he earned himself, and his spare time from studying. More than once, Harry thought about quitting school and going to work, but Diana insisted that he had to finish school, go to college, and get a good job. Harry was ready for anything for the sake of his beloved and promised that he would definitely get a good education. Nevertheless, in his free time, he still worked hard as before.

Harry studied quite well, and therefore, it was easy for him to go to college and even get a grant. But Diana could not get in on her own, even though they were preparing together. But her father’s connections and money did their work, and Diana also became a student, but not where she was going.

Student life began. Harry and Diana were still together. Harry helped her write her essays and coursework, or rather, to be frank, he did it all himself. It was easier that way because Diana did not really want to study. Higher education was more like a status for her. In his third year of college, Harry made up his mind and proposed, and Diana, to his great surprise and joy, did not refuse. Although she did not agree: “Harry, you are very dear to me and I really appreciate our friendship. But understand, first we need to finish studies and find a good job, especially for you, because a man must provide for the family. And then I’ll be able to see exactly whether you are worthy of becoming my husband. Please do not be angry because this is a very serious step. But I am sure that you will cope with everything. And besides, the wedding should also be chic. So, it’s obviously too early to talk about it. First, save enough money.”

Harry was hurt by this answer, but he silently swallowed his resentment and decided that he would make sure that Diana would give it a positive answer. During college, Harry often worked at night, and during the day, he struggled to stay awake for classes, rushing home at lunchtime. He often fell asleep for a couple of hours and then took on his and Diana’s tasks. In the evening, he usually spent time with Diana, so time flew by without a trace. And now, they were in their final year.

Harry was busy writing diploma works for himself and Diana and had no time for romantic encounters. He was spending all of his time with books and notes, while Diana was out having fun with her friends. One evening, Harry decided to take a break from books and formulas and invited Diana for a walk in the evening city. They walked slowly through the old park along the alleys.

Harry was silent, which was strange, but apparently fatigue was taking over. “You’ve become boring,” displeased Diana. “I’d look at you if I had to write two diplomas and do your day-to-day business.” Diana took offense and angrily said that it was definitely not as difficult as he was trying to present here.

Harry kept silent. He did not want any arguments. The young people had almost reached the exit when, on a bench under an old oak tree, Harry noticed a woman. Very poorly dressed, she was sitting with her head bowed. And next to her on the ground, there was a box with the inscription “Help for daughter’s treatment.” The whole figure of this woman expressed immense grief, and Harry suddenly felt very sorry for her. He remembered his mother and thought that no one in this world was safe from this kind of misfortune.

He took out of his pocket some large bills that he had received a few days ago from his employer and put them into the box. The woman looked up at him with sad and tearful eyes and whispered softly, “Thank you, God bless you.” Harry felt his heart begin to beat louder, and his pity for the poor woman grew even stronger. As soon as they got a little distance from the woman, Diana abruptly stopped and looked angrily into his eyes.

“Are you crazy? Why did you give that ragamuffin so much money? Do you have too much of it? You should be saving for our wedding instead of throwing away all that money.”

“Diana, what are you doing? A woman needs help, and anyone could be in her place.”

“No, not anyone, but only those who are worthy of it. And I’m sure she just made up that story about her sick daughter to get pity and attention.”

Harry looked at his girlfriend and suddenly realized how much anger and distrust she had inside her. “Diana, people need help. Today we help, tomorrow someone will help us. If she cheated, she is responsible for it, and my soul is pure. Do you understand?”

But Diana didn’t want to hear anything. “No, I don’t understand. We don’t need help and never will. Everyone has to count for himself, and you’re wasting money. You’ll never be able to provide a decent life for us if you throw money around like that.”

“Diana, don’t exaggerate. I won’t be poor on this money, and the woman will really need it,” Harry tried to justify himself, but Diana only shouted more, accusing the guy of carelessness and irresponsibility to those who matter to him.

Harry’s soul grew more and more despondent. He suddenly realized that he did not know the real Diana at all, and now seeing her like that, it was as if it had dawned on him that they would never get along. He slowly walked away. Diana tugged at a sleeve, surprised that he wouldn’t listen to her. “We haven’t talked yet. Promise me you will never do that again. There are a lot of beggars on earth. You can’t help everyone. You must understand that I am used to a good life, and if you can’t provide for our lives with dignity, we’ll have to say goodbye. Do you understand?”

Harry turned abruptly and said that he understood everything and therefore everything between them was over forever. Diana couldn’t believe her ears. “No, what are you saying? You can’t leave me like this. What about the diploma project?”

“The diploma project? No, you’ll have to work on it yourself, so such awful thoughts won’t occupy your brain. I wish you good luck. Goodbye.” With these words, Harry jerked his hand away and sped up his pace. Diana shouted something to him in pursuit, but he was no longer listening to her words.

The next day, Harry

decided to walk through the park again, and the woman was sitting in the same spot. Harry sat down silently next to her and asked what happened to her daughter. The woman looked sadly and said, “I raised Rachel alone. It turned out her father was married, and after he found out I was pregnant, he left us for good. I never had a good job and didn’t make much money. My daughter grew up a smart girl, did well in school, and was accepted to college. Seeing me work so hard, Rachel had been trying to find part-time jobs since high school to make life easier for us. And then recently tragedy struck. She was working part-time and cleaning, and on her way back from the apartment, she slipped on the stairs.”

Rachel had a very unfortunate fall and seriously injured her spine. The treatment at the local hospital was ineffective, but I found a clinic that specializes in such patients, and after reviewing her documents, the doctors said that there was a very good chance. Unfortunately, the insurance did not cover even a third of the cost of the operation, so I appealed to all possible foundations and asked for people who care, although there are very few of them here,” concluded the woman and cried.

Harry found out the address of the hospital and promised to help. After collecting at home all his savings for his wedding and future life with Diana, he went to the hospital and paid for the operation. And then visited Rachel in her room. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he recognized her as a student from the parallel class. He did not know her name, but he remembered an incident when she was in line behind him in the canteen and, in front of the cashier, he discovered he had forgotten his wallet. Feeling the awkwardness of the situation, Harry did not know what to do, and she silently handed him the money and smiled. Harry tried to refuse, but the girl insisted on her own. He promised to pay her back, but he never met her again.

From that day on, Rachel and Harry talked for a while, and then he went home. The next day, he asked the student council for help in organizing a fundraiser for treatment. And that was how they managed to collect the missing sum. Soon Rachel underwent the long-awaited surgery. Harry began to visit her every day, and after she was discharged, they began to see each other at her home. Rachel was still not strong enough, and she spent almost all her time at home or at the rehabilitation center.

One day, the doorbell rang, and a stranger in a business suit showed up on the doorstep. “Your father instructed me to find you. He passed away three months ago and bequeathed his entire estate to you, his second daughter. He left only a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. I don’t know what caused this turn of events, but you should come into your rights.”

As time passed, Rachel was finally able to walk short distances, and Harry was her chaperone. One day, after an exhausting walk, they decided to go to a cafe. To Harry’s enormous surprise, Diana stood behind the bar and tried to hide her gaze. “I can’t believe you’re working here,” Harry said, completely without anger or arrogance.

“Father made a will for his illegitimate daughter and left us with nothing,” Diana muttered through her teeth. Harry was greatly surprised and could only say that life had put everything in its place and gave Diana the chance to begin a more meaningful life.

Suddenly he noticed that Rachel had gone outside. He caught up with her and hugged, wiping tears from her cheeks. “Honey, don’t get so upset. We’ll have coffee somewhere else.” Rachel looked at him and smiled sadly. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, especially her half-sister. But in the end, life gave her an unexpected surprise in the form of Harry and her father’s regret, which he expressed with his last will…..CONTINUE READING