How can a lady take care of her aging vágina?

The female genitalia truly is an incredible body part. It’s vital in creating love and it can create life. However, your genitalia will change as you get older. Experiencing genital ageing need not be an unpleasant event. As they get older, some women discover a newfound appreciation for their genitalia. Due to the reduced likelihood of becoming pregnant during intercouse, you may experience greater personal freedom. You may have grown wiser and more secure in your own genitalia as you’ve gotten older…..CONTINUE READING

You can’t stop the inevitable ageing effects on your genitalia, but you can take steps to minimise their negative impact with these tips from healthline:

1 According to healthline Having a gynaecological checkup every year, which should include a cervical screening

responsible sèxual behaviour

Third, women of all ages should perform Kegel exercises consistently.

4. avoiding the use of douches, perfumed genital deodorants, or other genital hygiene products.

Regardless of your age, you should see a doctor if you:

1. sèxual discomfort or agony

A vàginal discharge of green or yellow colour

3 cottage-cheese-like discharge from the genitalia

4. offensively smelling vàginal discharge

5 – Genital bleeding for no apparent reason

6 – A hurtful encounter

Chronic genital itchiness, number 7.

8. any issues with your sèxual or reproductive health…..CONTINUE READING