Health effects of walnut on people with high blood sugar

Africa is endowed and filled with many natural herbs, trees, and shrubs which have been researched to hold the solution to many diseases we once saw as dreadful. Diabetes is an incurable condition that indicates very high blood sugar levels. However, certain foods like walnuts have proven that there’s still hope for people battling diabetes…..CONTINUE READING

Walnuts help to reduce inflammation, bad cholesterol, and high blood pressure and also help to control weight which is very beneficial for diabetic patients.

In this article, according to Healthline, I’ll like to enlighten you about the effects of walnuts on diabetes patients:

1. Walnuts contain compounds like polyphenols, amino acid arginine, ALA omega-3 fatty acid, and magnesium which help to protect against and fight off inflammation.

Medical experts believe inflammation to be the root cause of any chronic diseases like heart diseases, cancers, and diabetes mention but a few. Eating walnuts keep off inflammation which helps to prevent or improve diabetes

2. Another benefit of walnuts is that it helps to suppress your hunger and appetite hence you eat less and your weight is controlled. When you eat less, you gain less weight. If you’re obese or diabetic, you will benefit a lot from the weight control ability of walnuts.

3. Apart from weight control, walnuts also have a direct effect on blood sugar levels. In a controlled study of 100 people with type 2 diabetes, consuming 1 tablespoon of cold compressed walnut oil a day for 3 months with their medications and balanced diet, it was reported that there was an 8% decrease in their fasting blood sugar…..CONTINUE READING