Dear Women, Don’t Deny Your Husband These 3 Things When He Asks For It

In the world we live in, there’s nothing like a perfect relationship. Relationships that seem perfect are built on a solid foundation, been consistent, and sacrifices…..CONTINUE READING

One of the most important things a relationship need is time. If you’re venturing little or no time in your relationship, you can never expect such a relationship to excel or last long. No matter what the case could be, you should always have time for your partner, it shows how faithful you are to your partner.

As a woman, there are some things you should never deny your man most especially if he wakes you up in the middle of the night to request. For your man to wake you up suddenly in the middle of the night, you should know it’s something urgent that needs to be attended to. As a responsible wife, it is now left for you to give your husband your undivided attention and listen to whatever he wants to say without any interruption.

Dear women, if your husband wakes you up at midnight for these 3 things, please don’t deny him.

1. If he wakes you up wanting to ask for your opinion on a certain issue.

Men are the type that acts independently and rarely ask people for their opinion. It won’t be good enough to deny your man if he wakes you up at midnight wanting to ask for your opinion. For him to ask for your opinion, shows you’re special and important to him. A man that seeks your opinion truly values and respects you. If your husband wakes you up at midnight wanting to ask for your opinion on a certain issue, please don’t deny him.

2. If he wakes you up wanting to pray with you.

Another thing you shouldn’t deny your man when he wakes you up at midnight is when he asks you to join him in prayer. Praying with your partner is something you shouldn’t resist no matter what. Your marriage needs spiritual assistance and it won’t be good if you fail to answer your husband when he wants to pray with you at midnight. Who knows, you might save your marriage that night.

3. If he wakes you wanting to talk about your marriage.

For a man to wake you up at midnight wanting to talk about your marriage, you should know something is wrong and you shouldn’t pay less attention to him. He might be noticing some red flags and he doesn’t want things to go wrong in your marriage. As a wife who doesn’t want the relationship to break apart, you shouldn’t deny your man when he wakes you up wanting to talk about your marriage.

In conclusion, no matter how unimportant you think what your husband wakes you up to tell you is, you should try to give him that respect and care by waking up…..CONTINUE READING