Leading Dr Who Promoted Covid Jabs On TV Calls For Them To Be Immediately Suspended

A growing number of leading doctors have joined one of Britains most eminent Consultant Cardiologists in a call for all Covid-19 mRNA vaccines to be immediately suspended….CONTINUE READING

They are demanding that the serious side-effects of the vaccines are fully investigated and that raw trial data from Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trial are released for independent analysis.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra was one of the first to take two doses of the Covid vaccine and promote it on TV.

Writing in the peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance,

Dr Malhortra now says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of its adverse events has changed.

His two part research paper is entitled “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine”

reports: Citing the FDA’s own website he also highlights that testing positive for antibodies is an unreliable marker for immunity or protection against Covid post-vaccination.

He writes:

It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally.

Authorities and sections of the medical profession have supported unethical, coercive and misinformed policies such as vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, undermining the principles of informed consent. These regrettable actions are a symptom of the ‘medical misinformation mess’: The tip of a mortality iceberg where prescribed medications are estimated to be the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer.

Underlying causes for this failure include regulatory capture – guardians that are supposed to protect the public are in fact funded by the very corporations that stand to gain from the sale of those medications. A failure of public health messaging has also resulted in wanton waste of resources and a missed opportunity to help individuals lead healthier lives with relatively simple – and low cost – lifestyle changes.

The unprecedented rollout of an emergency use authorisation vaccine without access to the raw data, with increasing evidence of significant harms, compounded by mandates that appear to serve no purpose other than to bolster the profits of the drug industry, have highlighted modern medicine’s worst failings on an epic scale, with additional catastrophic harms to trust in public health.

There is a strong scientific, ethical and moral case to be made that the current Covid vaccine administration must stop until all the raw data has been subjected to fully independent scrutiny. Looking to the future, the medical and public health professionals must recognise these failings and eschew the tainted dollar of the medical-industrial complex. It will take a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust in these institutions, but the health of both humanity and the medical profession depend on it.

He concludes:

We must use this as an opportunity to transform the system to produce better doctors, better decision making, healthier patients and restore trust in medicine and public health. Until all the raw data on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been independently analysed, any claims purporting that they confer a net benefit to humankind cannot be considered to be evidence based….CONTINUE READING