Six Worst Foods For The Eyes

The health of the heart and blood vessels is linked to how the eyes function….CONTINUE READING

We all know that we are what we eat, but does it even occur to us that what we eat and drink is also linked to the health of our eyes? Research

indicates that our heart and blood vessels have a direct impact on how healthy our eyes are.

An OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) scan is able to detect the condition of the heart through what is seen in the back of the retina. It is, therefore, more important than ever to ensure we eat all the time healthily.

Here are foods that are not good for our eyes:

Processed meats and canned foods usually have loads of salts and nitrates as preservatives. If you eat too much, it can affect the heart with high blood pressure and its attendance illnesses. It is better to eat fresh and cook from scratch, adding minimal salt.

Overeating sugar in foods or drinks can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These two can lead to diabetic retinopathy and AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration).

Especially those found in WHITE bread and pasta have been linked to earlier AMD. If you love pasta and bread, it is better to choose its whole-grain alternatives.

Especially in unhealthy oil can raise the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This has a lot to do with our heart health, and can also affect our vision if blood does not flow properly into the cells that support our vision. Try using shallow fry or better still the revolutionary air fryer, if you have to eat fried food.

Moreover, some cooking oils ( coconut oil, palm oil, soya, corn etc) have a higher level of unsaturated fat and should be sparingly used, if at all.

There is a lot of debate about whether margarine is healthier than butter.

On the surface, it looks so, because margarine is made up of blends of vegetable oil, but could also contain a lot of trans fat, which can clog up arteries. Butter on the other hand is made from churning animal milk and buttermilk (cream).

The blend of various vegetable oils in margarine is liquid, so a process of hydrogenation (

adding hydrogen molecules) to it to make it solid like butter. This process allows transfat to form as a by-product. Some manufacturers do get away from these by-products, but the majority do not. If you prefer margarine to butter, look for those with zero trans fat.

We all have reasons for not consuming mercury, which is higher in bigger fish and shellfish. Too much mercury can cause an underdeveloped nervous system in young adults, as well as eye damage.

Fish and shellfish that are high in mercury

are Kingfish, Mackerel, Shark, etc. Ideally not more than two average meals a week is enough for smaller fish. While catfish, pollock, and salmon are lower in mercury….CONTINUE READING