Benefits of Rosemary, an Aromatic Plant that is Good for Health

According to healthline – Rosemary plants are commonly used as food spices, aromatherapy oils, and herbal medicines that have health benefits….CONTINUE READING

What are the nutritional content, benefits and possible side effects? Check out the full explanation in this article.

Nutritional content and nutrients of rosemary

Rosemary is an herbal plant that has the scientific name Rosmarinus officinalis.

It is native to South America and the Mediterranean region, but also grows in other parts of the world. There are various ways to enjoy this distinctively flavoured plant.

From brewing it as a tea, to seasoning dishes, to applying essential oils.

Here are the nutritional and nutrient contents of one tablespoon of rosemary:

Calories: 0.9g

Water: 0.47g

Fibre: 0.10 g

Protein: 0.02 g

Carbohydrate: 0.1 g

Calcium: 2.22 mg

Iron: 0.05 mg

Magnesium: 0.64 mg

Potassium: 4.68 mg

Zinc: 0.01 mg

Vitamin A: 1 mcg

Vitamin C: 0.2 mg

The rosemary plant is beneficial as an antimicrobial and antioxidant. It is packed with phytochemicals to fight diseases and maintain overall health….CONTINUE READING

The various health benefits of rosemary

Rosemary has been used as a traditional Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. However, more research is still needed regarding its health benefits.

Here are some of the possible benefits of the rosemary plant that you need to know about:

1. Fights free radicals and inflammation

Rosemary is rich in antioxidant molecules and anti-inflammatory compounds. As such, rosemary is believed to have benefits for protecting the body from disease as well as potentially improving blood circulation.

For information, antioxidant molecules are needed by the body to fight excess free radicals. Excess free radicals are the cause of oxidative stress and disease.

2. Improves memory and concentration

According to research published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, the scent of rosemary is beneficial for improving concentration and helping to increase speed, performance and accuracy at work.

3. Maintain brain health

There are also benefits of rosemary tea related to the brain and nervous system. This is due to the presence of carnosic acid to help ward off free radicals in the brain.

In The Therapeutic Potential of Rosemary research conducted on animals, proving that compounds in rosemary tea can maintain health and prevent brain cell death.

Another animal study showed that rosemary can help speed up the recovery of conditions associated with brain damage, such as stroke.

Other studies have shown that rosemary can prevent the negative effects of brain aging and provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Stimulates hair growth

One of the most common types of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. It is commonly known as baldness in men or even women.

To overcome this, you can use rosemary oil which is claimed to be beneficial in helping treat androgenetic alopecia. When applying it on the hair, as many as twice a day for six months, users are likely to experience an increase in hair thickness.

5. Protecting the health of the eyes

A study from the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute revealed that carnosic acid has the potential to maintain eye health. The findings also mentioned the benefits of rosemary to protect the eyes from diseases that affect the part of the retina, such as age-related macular degeneration.

6. Improve digestive health.

Rosemary has been used to help treat digestive disorders on the European continent. In fact, health institutions in Germany have also approved rosemary for the treatment of disorders in the digestive system.

Nevertheless, there are no scientific studies that can really support rosemary’s benefits claims.

7. Potential to fight cancer cells

Another amazing benefit of rosemary is to fight cancer cells. Proved by academic studies, rosemary extract can slow leukaemia (one type of blood cancer) as well as breast carcinoma cells.

Not so far, rosemary also has the potential as an anti-inflammatory and antitumor. Another study in the Journal of Food Science revealed that rosemary extract added to beef can reduce the formation of cancer-causing agents that can develop during the cooking process.

However, more research is needed on the benefits of rosemary in fighting cancer.

Side effects of consuming rosemary that may occur

Most people do not experience any side effects when using rosemary as a spice in cooking. However, you still need to pay attention to the estimate of its use.

Some say that the maximum intake of rosemary plants is about 4 to 6 grams per day.

Although it is safe to consume, you should be careful if it exceeds the safe limit, as it can trigger side effects, such as:

and vomiting

by Kejang

by koma

edema in the lungs

Abortion, not recommended for pregnant women to take rosemary supplements….CONTINUE READING

Not only that, it is important to keep in mind that rosemary tea may also affect the performance of some drug groups. The group of drugs is:

Anticoagulant drugs, including blood thinning drugs, such as warfarin, aspirin, and clopidogrel.

Diuretics to increase urine production, such as hydrocholorothiazide and furosemide.

ACE inhibitors used to lower high blood pressure. These drugs include lisinopril, fosinoprile, captopril, and enalapril.

Lithium, used to treat manic episodes of manic depression. Rosemary can act as a diuretic and cause lithium to reach a toxic point in the body.

Although rosemary is generally a safe plant, there is no harm to consult first if you want to try herbal or traditional medicine. Also, do not use the rosemary plant as a replacement for the primary treatment of the doctor.

Research on the benefits of rosemary plants in humans tends to be limited and more studies are needed to prove its benefits to humans….CONTINUE READING