How To Make A Man Miss You

It’s not always easy to feel sure you’re in man’s thoughts and he misses you when you’re not around. You might be wondering about how to make him miss you if he isn’t already, and if you want to get a positive reaction from a guy, it’s important to go about this properly….CONTINUE READING

Many women make mistakes that wind up putting even more distance between themselves and the man in question. To avoid this, you should know how to make it happen right from the start, during the seduction phase

of a relationship.

In order to make a man miss you, there are certain rules you need to follow. The goal is to be at the forefront of his mind. In doing so, you will quickly notice how the feeling of missing someone can reinforce love and develop the attraction.

If you’re not the one who makes the first move, he’s going to have to be the one who calls you. What’s more, you’ll be on his mind! And men love a chase when it comes to dating.

One of the techniques that works the best when it comes to getting an ex back (or attracting a new partner) is the no contact rule. For your ex, this is when you cut all contact in order to make them want you back.

By adapting this tool to your current situation, you’ll be able to make the guy you’re interested in miss you and fall for you. Giving him the chance to take initiative to pursue you will work two-fold. You’ll know that he’s interested and you’ll know he really wants to be in a relationship with you. Plus, you’ll give him the chance to work out what he wants, as well.

If he’s consistent in coming to you for dates and connecting with you, that’s a good sign he’s being serious.

How do you make him think about you all the time? Believe it or not, there’s something positive to be said about playing a little hard to get. This doesn’t mean you should play games with him, however.

A lot of women tend to have a lack of self-confidence at some point, whether it’s further into their relationships or when they’re still in the seduction phase. They aren’t sure if the guy they like is sincerely interested or if he’s just flirting or playing games. Not to mention the fact that there are so many clichés about men being unfaithful that it can be quite hard to trust someone.

So, be smart about your time spent with him. Keep your options open, and allow him to prove himself to you. Don’t commit to anything until you’re sure that he’s serious. Take your time with the relationship — let it build at a healthy pace so you know that when you finally do commit to him, it’s a really good thing!

Wondering what to say to him to make him miss you? The answer is surprisingly short: “No.”

It sounds counter-intuitive to say no to a guy when you really would love to spend time with him, but it’s actually a good idea. Men may lose interest if you’re always available to them, especially early in the relationship.

If you want to be the only girl he thinks about all day long, being a bit distant and inaccessible can make you even more attractive in a man’s eyes. Doing this instantly makes you an intriguing challenge, which means he’ll either have to pursue you in order to get into a relationship with you or risk losing you to another relationship.

Sometimes, he’s not going to think that he wants a serious relationship with you right off the bat. It’s up to you to encourage him to invest, so the best thing to do is to show him that his life is considerably better with you in it.

Not only do you feel this need to be reassured so you can feel satisfied in your relationship, but you also want to make sure your love story continues to evolve. This is why getting him to miss you can prove to be a real solution. On top of being sure about his feelings for you, you can also multiply them ten-fold.

As they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

When you are able to get a guy to miss you, you switch up the power play between you and make his deeper feelings for you develop much faster. So, by making sure that your time together is good, and you truly enjoy one another’s company, you’ll guarantee he’ll think about you when you’re not there.

You can also remind him about how much he wants to be with you via text. How do you make him miss you over text? Well, a little flirtation and promises about your next meeting are sure to make his head spin a little. Post pictures (tasteful ones!), and call or text to get him thinking about you — and only you.

He’ll want to spend more time with you and look forward to your time together. This can work for a long-distance relationship as well.

This is part of letting him take initiative in your relationship, and it’s one of the most common mistakes women make with a new love interest. Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, it does!

You may tend to cling to the guy you’re with, or if you’re still in the seduction phase, tend to be a bit too present. You don’t allow for space between you that could give rise to his feelings of missing you. Simply put, the less present you are, the more he’s going to miss you in the long term.

If you don’t give him the opportunity, how is he supposed to miss you? The more a woman pulls away or feels inaccessible to a man, the more likely he is to try and get closer to her — you’ve probably already seen this phenomenon when it comes to flirtation.

If you want this guy to see that you’re something special and remain in the forefront of his mind

, be the one who listens and understands.

Be the one that’s unlike everyone else. I’m not just talking about the physical aspect — even though you should take care of your body and your image. The center of your focus should be on the sentimental aspect. Make sure that when you’re together, you’re really building an emotional and sentimental bond with one another. A man feels attracted to someone he can share his emotional side with, as well as the physical.

Don’t neglect important elements like communication when you want to form a solid relationship. Though that it isn’t always their strong suit, most men like it when women hear them out.

Be the one that he’s able to turn to so that you can reinforce the quality of the connection between you. By doing so, the idea of not having you around is going to make him want to get closer to you. In challenging moments, you have to be there for him.

One of the best ways to make him miss you is to ensure that the time you do spend together is unforgettable. On top of enjoying your time together, you’re also making positive memories that can help build your relationship and make him miss you, even when you’re far from each other.

Have you ever found yourself smiling just because you were thinking about a special moment the two of you shared? A silly post on social media that reminds you of an inside joke? At that time there’s only one thing on your mind: seeing him and experiencing that joy again. Keep this in mind when you want to make him miss you.

By sharing and discovering new activities together, you’ll build a strong relationship

and create wonderful memories. Memories like these are going to be of importance if you want to contrast a long-lasting love story.

Do n’t hesitate to take the initiative and turn your time away from one another into a meaningful opportunity to further solidify your relationship.

Alex Cormont, founder of French Relationship Expert

, is an expert in dating and relationships whose expert advice has been featured on Forbes, Huffington Post, GQ, and Elle….CONTINUE READING