The Things You Should Value Most in Your Life

When we were young, the things we valued were mostly material. For instance, you probably valued your gaming console because it gave you great joy playing video games. Maybe some of you valued your smart devices because it had the potential to entertain you for a whole day….CONTINUE READING

At that time, we may not have realized the immaterial things (things that are not easily replaceable) will become more valuable as we get older.

For some of you, you may have come to value your older siblings because they took care of you when your parents were away. Or you valued your friendship with the people you grew up with.

As an adult, I’m fairly certain the things you value most are mostly immaterial and often times, immeasurable.

Here are the things I value most in my life.

Time is the most important thing you have in your life. It is something you can never get back. Once it passes, it will be gone forever. You can never go back for a re-do or to re-live the moment. Therefore you have to spend it wisely.

Get rid of the bad things in your life. Bad habits. Terrible friends. Impulse spending. Chronic drinking. And basically anything that is a hinderance to being the best person you can be.

There is the saying If you don’t understand what that means, then you should take some time to reflect on it.

This one is pretty obvious; you should value yourself. You need to take care of your well-being (mentally and physically), your financial security and your discipline & mindset. These are the three vital things to take seriously, especially when you reach adulthood and start to live on your own. It’s the necessary basics of independence.

If you do not value yourself, then it will be difficult to value anything else. Part of valuing yourself is to love yourself. If you don’t, then how will you able to properly love another person?

Valuing your family should be next. Whether they are your parents, your siblings, your partner, your children or even your extended family, you need to value them to some extent. The truth is, without some of your family members, you wouldn’t be where you are today. They were there to help you when you were in need, so you will need to return the favour at some point.

You need to cherish every moment with them. They were present when you were younger, however, some of them may not be there throughout your entire life.

This is very similar to your family. These people could be your life-long friends, the people you work with. Even the staff at your favourite restaurants that serve their customers. The folks at the gym that keep the place clean and tidy.

It’s basically everyone you’re interacting with on a regular basis.

This is about having integrity. Being honest with yourself and with everyone around you. Being responsible, loyal, with morals and everything else that has to do with virtues.

Being a good person can have far-reaching positive affects than you can ever imagine.

This can be your job or your career or even beyond those. You should try (the best as you can) to put 100% of effort into everything you do.

For instance, even if you hate mowing your lawn, you should at least make sure you do a good job to keep your front yard from being an embarrassment to your neighbours.

Even if you’re doing someone a favour, you should treat it as though it’s what you really want to do.

Most of you have been at it throughout your life. For some, even before you’ve come your senses, you were already in school.

As an adolescent, you knew you needed to study hard in order to get where you wanted in life. Some of you found that out later on in life, however, it’s all the same! As an adult, you should continue to learn to gain wisdom and improve yourself.

The journey through life is all about learning and continuing to be better than who we were the day before.

Lastly, you should value what you have in the material sense. This can include money and everything you own; your house, your car, your boat, your motorcycle, all of your books. This can even be your smart device or that shiny new and special gaming console.

It has now come full circle. The things you valued the most when you were younger will inherently stay with you for the rest of your life.

There are just some things in life we can’t live without….CONTINUE READING