Curvy women may be more intelligent than skinny women

According to one study, curvy women are more intelligent than skinny women….CONTINUE READING

According to a US study, curvy women are likely to be brighter than waif-like counterparts and may produce more intelligent offspring.

Researchers studied 16,000 women and girls and discovered that those who were more voluptuous performed better on tests of thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering, as did their children.

The greater the gap between a woman’s waist and hips, the better.

Researchers from Evolution and Human Behaviour believe this is due to fatty acids found on the hips.

The fat in this area is likely to be the much-touted Omega-3, which may improve both the woman’s and her child’s mental abilities during pregnancy.

But how seriously can we take the idea that the curvier a woman is, the sharper her mind?

The answer: not very. The differences in cognitive ability that the researchers found were small — on average between 3.6 per cent and 7 per cent in women with different waist-to-hip ratios, depending on the measure being used.

Because of this, even scientists who call the study intriguing say it would be a mistake to overinterpret the findings to mean that just because a woman has a curvy figure, she’s smarter.

Experts are not convinced by the findings.

Previous research in the field has most often tied a low waist-to-hip ratio to fertility in women; in short, a small waist and big hips have been thought to be tied to a better ability to carry and bear healthy children. Others have suggested that this hourglass shape may simply point to better health in general — a sign of a healthy mate.

But don’t take that in the literal sense it can also mean that a high Waist to Hip Ratio WHR could indicate that a woman already has children (men don’t want to invest resources in another man’s children) – according to another researcher.

A low WHR does correlate reasonably well with cardiovascular health and longevity, while a high WHR puts them at greater risk for diabetes and even autoimmune diseases and cancer.

The researcher tried explaining that when you spot a curvy woman doesn’t mean she is more brilliant than others. As you get older your WHR Waist to Hit Ratio gets worse but that doesn’t mean you become less intelligent over time.

And as for fertility, The oestrogen production in curvy women is high and this might be used to justify the argument.

“Curvy women may be more intelligent

than skinny women due to fatty acids in their hips that improve their mental abilities, a study found….CONTINUE READING