My Mother Has Warned Me Not To Get Pregnant For My Husband Because Of What She Saw

Right from the beginning, my mother wanted me to marry a certain man because of his money. I told her politely, “I can’t marry this man. I don’t love him and I don’t see myself marrying someone I don’t love. Again, he’s way older than I am. I can’t marry him.” She insisted….CONTINUE READING

She did all within her power to make me settle with that man but I didn’t succumb to her pressure. When the time was right, I introduced the one I wanted to marry to her and that was when the issue started.

She said no to us. She said she wouldn’t agree for us to get married. My dad was receptive. He was happy for me and encouraged me to go ahead with the marriage. My mom and my dad are no longer married. They got divorced long ago and have been living apart since then.

With encouragement from my dad and other siblings and our pastor, we decided to go ahead with the marriage. At a certain point, she came around and even decided to help sew my wedding dress and all the other costumes. We set a date for the wedding but due to delays from her end, we had to postpone the wedding.

We fixed another date and when that date was also approaching, she said she was sick and will not be able to finish sewing the dresses for our wedding. We asked her, “So what date do you think would be favorable for you?” She chose a new date for us. God being so good, we were able to have a beautiful wedding on the said date that she chose. After marriage, she started warning me not to get pregnant anytime soon. I asked, “How is that possible? I’m married now and the next thing is to….CONTINUE READING