Tingling in your feet? know the possible causes

The human body keeps reacting in some way or the other depending upon various internal and external factors. Sometimes, you fall sick and that’s because maybe your body is fighting some unwanted foreign elements or viruses….CONTINUE READING

However, sometimes there are issues that may not be serious or need immediate attention, but they may be affecting your system internally. So, at times, the tingling in your feet may be because your body is lacking certain vitamins. Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal talks about the same in her latest video on Instagram.

In the caption, she says, ?Tingling in your feet! Well, it may not be only because of sitting for too long. Here are some of the other reasons.?

Nmami lists the following reasons behind the tingling in your feet:

1) Vitamin B12 ? It is essential for the repair of your nerves. However, when your body is deficient in vitamin B12, nerves tend to grow weaker and one may feel that tingling sensation.

2) Vitamin B6 �- This is a neurotransmitter that helps the nervous system to function properly. This also plays a role in fuelling the nerves.

3) Thyroid check – You must know that an underactive thyroid check by TAH levels can also be responsible for different symptoms including this tingling sensation.

4) Sugar levels ? Do you know that your sugar levels may also lead to this condition? Fluctuating sugar levels can affect your nervous system, especially, your legs and feet. And excess sugar can cause tingling.

5) Dehydration ? This is yet another cause you must be aware of. When your body is dehydrated, it may affect your system in various ways. Dehydration can cause a drop in sodium levels which can result in a tingling sensation.

Now, whenever you feel a tingling sensation in your feet, don’t ignore it blatantly. If it keeps happening frequently, do consult your doctor and get yourself checked….CONTINUE READING