How to Naturally Treat Symptoms of Dizziness

We all know that horribly disorienting feeling of dizziness. Head spinning, false sense of motion, and feeling unsteady, woozy, weak, and faint are all symptoms associated with dizziness….CONTINUE READING

We can all feel dizzy at times for different reasons, such as being hungry, dehydrated, too hot, or having stood up too quickly.

However, before we get into any investigation as to how we might prevent and treat dizziness at home, it is vitally important that you seek medical help if you are experiencing dizziness on a regular basis.

Though dizziness can happen to any of us for a number of simple reasons, it can also be a symptom of more serious conditions.

Dizziness itself is not usually a condition on its own, but rather a symptom of an underlying cause of varying degrees of seriousness.

Some causes of dizziness

are vertigo, inner ear issues, neurological disorders, circulation problems, anemia, migraines, anxiety, travel sickness, head injuries, and even the result of taking certain medicines.

Dizziness is also associated with dehydration and heat stroke.

If you are experiencing dizziness, it might be that you have one of the above issues that needs to be addressed. Speak to a medical professional for a proper diagnosis.

Simply being dehydrated and overheated

can make you feel dizzy. Stop, take a seat, and get some fluid into you. If you have overheated, rest seated in a shady, cool place until you feel better.

When you feel dizzy it is important to lie or sit down. This can really reduce the chance of injury should your fall. Take a moment, possibly with your eyes closed if you feel safe, and wait until the symptoms have passed.

If your dizziness is caused by vertigo, there is a simple maneuver that you can do at home that may help to alleviate some symptoms.

It should also be noted that this maneuver can cause nausea. This maneuver

can be done the opposite way round, starting with the head turned to the right if that is needed.

It is recommended that you have a proper diagnosis from your doctor as to what is causing your dizziness before doing this home remedy.

You can help yourself avoid injury if you let your doctor and those around you what your triggers are that you are prone to dizziness.

Perhaps you are sensitive to heights, blood, needles, or heat. These things can either be avoided or at least you can be prepared if you know dizziness might be on the horizon.

If your dizziness comes on suddenly due to a known condition, having those around you aware might mean that they can help you more quickly should the reason arise.

and anxiety are linked to symptoms of dizziness. Try some simple relaxation techniques to help calm you when you feel tense or anxious. Meditation and breathing exercises might help.

Don’t let the sun beat you. Drink lots of water, especially on hot days, and try your best to keep cool. Dehydration and heat can cause symptoms of dizziness.

If you are prone to dizziness, alcohol can heighten the symptoms. Try to avoid alcohol and tobacco products.
Vitamin C, D, and E

deficiency have all been connected to symptoms of dizziness. For example, if your dizziness is caused by anemia, you might have to make sure that you are getting enough iron in your diet.

On a plant-based diet, this can be achieved well by making sure that you consume enough non-heme iron

as well as vitamin C to help your body to absorb it.