The Place Of Sex In Marriage!

Very powerfully positioned. It brings vibes and depth. It creates sizzling and emotional moments, oiling the cranking and rusty part of the union….CONTINUE READING

It brings freshness, reinvigorating the stuffy part of the union, bringing life again to the ones that are weak, indifferent and bruised.

Three letters but too powerful to be ignored or be treated anyhow.

Treat it anyhow one sees anyhow. Ignore it and one gets annoyed. Treat with carefree approach one gets carved in ignominy.

It is a game changer, tap the right keys, follow the directions with diligence and dexterity, the result always is unarguably amazing.

No doubt it is integral in the union but not inevitable. It is good and helpful but not all there is in the union.

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A very convenient vehicle towards creating blissful moments but not the be it and end it all.

Talk about procreation, it comes readily as a tool to make it happen. It is spiritual as much as psychological. It is emotional as much as physical. Understanding its dynamics one wouldn’t go wrong with it.

Many have gone their separate ways because of it. Unions that looked promising and enviable crashed because of it.

Infidelity creeping in because of it. It comes with some depth of emotional caressing and tickling, creating some sensation, so intensed to a level beyond normal human continence. Not falling and yielding to it , is usually an act of grace and sometimes strong self will.

Strong and powerful the emotions that well up when it gets triggered, burning everywhere until it gets attention and the feelings indulged.

Sex is good in marriage and should be treated with decency , faithfulness and sincerity. However, allowing it to define the joy of ones marriage most times is very counter productive. It is good and integral but shouldn’t be the definition of marriage. It is good, it comes with the joy, happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction that release tension, though momentary, it shouldn’t be the be it and end it all in marriage.

All over the Internet spaces, nothing trends , nothing gets the attention of many more than it. Use it as a branding for products , it sells like wildfire. Mix water with sugar and label it as an enhancer, it sells like honey. Many have fallen for it in a bit to maximise the passion that comes with it. Sadly many of such are deception, mere marketing tricks to cash out.

The hype and cosmetic talks around it, especially on the social media have created another phase to it. As sizzling and scintillating as they may sound, sadly very unstainable and unattainable, leaving many in an unending search for a maximal experience of its promised pleasure that one wouldn’t get afterall .

As good as sex is and important in ones marriage, making it a cardinal point to be focused on, dance around it daily and carry it like one delicate piece of diamond if broken spills doom is wrong; worse still listening to all manner of Internet gibberish talks on styles, enhancers, enlargers etc ones marriage gets tilted to doom and dissatisfaction by such.

As much as it is good to enjoy it decently without being extraneous about it, the need to build love, companionship, friendship, trust etc around ones marriage cannot be overemphasised.

A time will come when the vitals in ones body begin to get weak and non compliant to the sizzling effect of it. What happens then? experiences had before gone down. At such a cross road nothing holds two of you together more than love, friendship and companionship shared.

Sex is good in marriage but shouldn’t be the cardinal attention. Stop getting carried away by the fantasy of it created around the Internet spaces . Create your own system and enjoy it without the unattainable fantasy of the Internet motivational speakers.

If you follow their vibes you either over stretch your spouse to their elastic limits, get frustrated for the unfulfilled expectations or seek validation and fulfilment outside, the doom of many marriages….CONTINUE READING