We can no longer afford drugs, good foods —Diabetes patients

Angela Onwuzoo
As Nigeria joins the global community on Monday to mark the 2022 World Diabetes Day, diabetes patients have raised the alarm that the soaring prices of drugs and food items in the country are exposing them to the risk of complications. They lamented that they can no longer afford the medications that they require daily to live….CONTINUE READING

64-year-old businesswoman, Mrs. Abosede Habeeb, is a diabetes patient and has been managing the health condition for over 17 years without complications.

But from January this year, Mrs. Habeeb’s condition began to degenerate owing to her inability to afford her medications, and monitoring devices. She was also finding it more difficult to have access to an experienced endocrinologist.

The mother of three told our correspondent that she had resorted to managing her condition with concoctions and traditional medicine. She blamed her woes on the harsh economic situation in the country.

The Kogi State indigene who is already battling a foot ulcer said she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2004.

She lamented that her condition worsened since she could no longer afford her routine medication.

Besides medication, the sexagenarian is not on a special diet anymore, noting that she cannot afford it.

Sharing her plight with HealthWise, Mrs. Abosede who is also battling hypertension said, “Diabetes test strips are so expensive now, the drugs are out of the reach of ordinary Nigerians like me.

“I have been managing the condition well since I was diagnosed with it in October 2004. I don’t miss my drugs. But since the beginning of the year when prices of drugs and food items skyrocketed, I no longer take my medications as prescribed by my doctor because I can’t afford them anymore.

“I use about seven different medications. A tablet that was sold for N3,000 in 2021, was sold for N5,000 in January this year. As we speak, the same tablet is now sold for N8,000. Can you see the difference? This is for just one tablet.

“Now, another drug that I used to buy for 19,000 is now sold for N25,000. A test trip that I used to buy for N4,000 is now N7,500. Besides drugs, food is also a problem.”

She went on, “The cereals, plantain, vegetables, fish and other appropriate foods that I need to manage the condition are also expensive. Things are really tough for me. I have decided to look for alternatives.
Diabetic patients dying needlessly

“My brother brought me one native concoction from Kabba that I have been using to manage my health condition for a while now. I was also introduced to a local herb by my neighbour.

“However, I am not seeing much improvement in my condition compared to when I was using orthodox medicine prescribed by my doctor. In August this year, I developed a leg ulcer. Since then, my health has continued to worsen due to poor management.

“When I was buying my drugs, I had no complications. My children are trying as much as they can but the drugs are too expensive.

“We have an association of people living with diabetes. I can tell you that I am not the only one suffering. A lot of diabetic patients are not only suffering, but they are also dying needlessly, especially those that do not have any support. I thank God for my children. The government should do something about this drug hike.”
Drug hike will lead to more complications-Experts

Experts say the cost of diabetes drugs is gradually getting out of reach of many patients, especially low-income earners.

A professor of Medicine and Endocrinology at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Prof. Olufemi Fasanmade, told HealthWisein an exclusive interview that the soaring cost of drugs would lead to more diabetes complications.

The endocrinologist noted that it is dangerous for diabetic patients to discontinue their drugs, warning that irregular use of medications often leads to several complications such as blindness, stroke, kidney failure, heart attacks, and lower extremity amputation

The professor stated that the way to tackle the problem was to enforce mandatory health insurance so that patients could get their drugs at little or no price.

“If more people are covered by the National Health Insurance Authority and others get their private health insurance, the high cost of drugs and cost of complications can be drastically reduced. Unfortunately, only five to eight per cent of Nigerians have any form of health insurance,” Prof. Fasanmade said.

The World Health Organisation says there are two main forms of diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes, WHO said, typically make none of their own insulin and therefore require insulin injections for survival. People with type 2 diabetes, the form that comprises some 90 per cent of all cases, usually produce their own insulin, but not enough or they are unable to use it properly.
Why World Diabetes Day?

World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14, according to the WHO.

The day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of diabetes as a global public health issue and educate the people about what needs to be done, collectively and individually, for better prevention, diagnosis, and management of the condition.

The theme for the 2022 commemoration ‘access to diabetes care’ further underpins the importance of proper diabetes management.
Getting insulin now tough

A father of a 12-year -old boy with Type 1 diabetes, Mr. Iranloye Abiodun, told our correspondent that it has been tough getting the insulin that the son requires daily to live.

Abiodun, who is a ‘Keke’ rider, said, “life has not been easy for him since my boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes five years ago when he was just seven years old.

“The cost of insulin is very high and he must take it every day for life. You also have to buy a glucometer to monitor the sugar level at all times; and also test strips, syringes, and needles.

“Honestly, having a child who is living with diabetes is traumatising because managing the condition comes with a lot of stress, both on the child and the family.

An engineer, Abdulwahab Dauda, who has been living with diabetes for over 30 years, told PUNCH HealthWisethat only a few people with the condition could afford medication presently.
95% of patients suffering- Diabetes Association of Nigeria

Sharing his experience with our correspondent, Dauda, who was diagnosed with diabetes in 1990 said it has not been good for people living with diabetes as many of them cannot afford their medications anymore and the government is not supporting them.

Dauda who is the South-West Chairman of the Diabetes Association of Nigeria, said, “Insulin in a pack of five that I was buying for less than N10,000 before is N25,355 today. Formerly, there was a time I was buying a pack of testing strips for N2,700 but today, it is now N7,200. The prices of the tablets that we use have also skyrocketed. A tablet that was sold for N1,200 before is now N3,000. The ones that were sold for N4,000 before are now N7,000.

“You can imagine the margin. A lot of diabetic patients that cannot buy the drugs anymore have resorted to taking concoctions and herbal medicine. Some of them are aware of the implications of taking those concoctions but the financial muscle to get the right medication is not there. The poverty level is high and the situation of the country is making life difficult for them.

Continuing, Dauda, who is also the Lagos State chairman of DAN, said, “For now, a lot of them cannot even afford the test strips not to talk of people who are on insulin. A bottle of Insulin is now over N6,000 and people are using over three bottles in a month. You can imagine. And this is even besides other drugs.

“It has not been good for people living with diabetes in the country. A lot of them are suffering and dying because they can’t afford their medications. In fact, 95 per cent of them are suffering.

“It is only those who are lucky to have people that assist them financially can get their medications as we speak. Like someone who is supposed to be on insulin and now you want to be giving him a tablet, he will die. Not to talk of having an amputation and all that. It is a serious matter.”
No government policy protecting diabetes patients

The chairman noted that there was no government policy for people living with diabetes in the country.

“The government doesn’t even know we exist. It’s only some of the pharmaceutical companies that support us. There is no policy to support our condition in the country. We have been making moves regarding this, but, so far, we have not succeeded.

In some African countries, relevant laws enable them to have access to glucometers, but it is not the same for us in Nigeria,” he lamented.

Mrs. Euince Ibeh and other diabetic patients who spoke with PUNCH HealthWisealso lamented their inability to continue their medication due to their soaring prices which they said have gone out of their reach.

According to a new report released by a Netherlands-based non-profit organisation, Access to Medicine Foundation – lack of access to insulin has become a devastating problem for diabetic patients globally.

The NGO stressed that the burden of diabetes treatment remains significantly high in Nigeria and other low- and middle-income countries

The report revealed that the number of people living with diabetes worldwide is expected to reach 643 million by 2030, and 783 million by 2045 with most of the cases occurring in low- and middle-income countries like Nigeria. It noted that the situation was worsened by poverty, conflict, and outbreaks of disease.

According to the report, huge numbers of people living with diabetes in LMICs still do not have access to the diabetes products, including insulin, that they need to stay alive and healthy.

The latest report which focused on access to treatment for diabetes also highlighted the cost and the disease burden in Nigeria and other LMICs.

The report said, “Daily access to insulin is essential for survival for patients with type 1 diabetes and many with type 2. Unfortunately, insulin products are often unavailable to those living in LMICs – and when they are available, they are often unaffordable.

“The stark reality is that without access to insulin, many more diabetic children and adults will suffer and die from this life-long, chronic disease.”
Untreated diabetes can cause debilitating complications -WHO

WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti in her remarks on this year’s commemoration, said if left unchecked, and without management and lifestyle changes, diabetes can lead to several debilitating complications.

These, according to her, include heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, lower limb amputation, visual impairment, blindness, and nerve damage, adding that people with diabetes are also at higher risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms.

She stressed that this year’s theme highlights the importance of prevention and response efforts, noting that Africa’s diabetes statistics illustrate the depth of the challenge.

According to her, 24 million adults are currently living with diabetes on the continent, with that number predicted to swell by 129 per cent to 55 million by 2045.

“Last year, diabetes mellitus took the lives of 416,000 people on the continent, and is predicted that it would become one of the leading causes of death. Importantly, diabetes is the only major non-communicable disease for which the risk of dying early is increasing, rather than decreasing.

“Known risk factors include family history and increasing age, along with modifiable risk factors such as overweight and obesity, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Unfortunately, these modifiable risk factors are on the rise across all countries in the WHO African Region.

“Response efforts are constrained by the fact that more than one in every two people in Africa living with Diabetes mellitus have never been diagnosed. Increased access to diagnostic tools and medicines, particularly insulin, is one of the most urgent areas of work,” she said.

In Nigeria, there is no official national data on the number of Nigerians living with diabetes. Online sources, however, said that about 11.2 million Nigerians are living with the condition.
Burden of diabetic foot ulcer high in Nigeria -Studies

In a 2020 article published in PMC journal titled, “Life or death”: Experiences of insulin insecurity among adults with type 1 diabetes in the United States”, the authors said insulin access for people with diabetes is a growing public health concern and particularly important for people with type 1 diabetes who depend on insulin for survival.

The authors said uncertain access to insulin, “a concept we refer to as “insulin insecurity,” is a significant and immediate threat to health and well-being among individuals with type 1 diabetes.

“We define insulin security as having consistent access to sufficient and safe supplies of insulin without anxiety about future loss of access. In comparison, many participants in our study were insulin insecure, experiencing significant disruptions in access, resulting in high levels of anxiety and distress, and often the inability to adequately control their blood glucose levels. “

Similarly, in a 2019 article published in the World Journal of Diabetes titled, “Burden of diabetic foot ulcer in Nigeria: Current evidence from the multicenter evaluation of diabetic foot ulcer in Nigeria”, the authors said Nigeria bears the greatest burden of diabetes prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to them, Diabetic Foot Ulcer is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes.

“The burden of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Nigeria is very high. The major gaps include the low level of foot care knowledge among diabetic patients, overdependence on self-medication and unorthodox medicine following the development of foot ulceration, late hospital presentation, and high amputation and mortality rates.”
Soaring cost of diabetes drugs dangerous, experts warn

Experts who spoke with Healthwisesaid diabetic patients not taking their drugs as expected or resorting to unorthodox medicine were at risk of developing severe complications.

Speaking further, Prof. Fasanmade cautioned against the use of herbal medications, warning that they could lead to organ failure.

He said, “Herbal medications are often not standardised or well studied. Some are good and some are bad. They can lead to liver or kidney failure when used for prolonged periods.”

He noted that people need to prevent diabetes. According to him, this is the cheapest way to curb the high disease burden.

The endocrinologist added, “This includes moderate eating of food, consumption of vegetables and legumes, cereals, and drinking a lot of water. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be stopped.”

Another expert and a Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Dr. Elizabeth Oyenusi, said it was risky for diabetic children not to take their insulin, as recommended, warning that they could come down with complications.

“If they don’t take their insulin, they could come down with complications. They will be breathing fast and could fall into a coma. They will be urinating too much. They could have blindness and kidney problem,” she said.
76 per cent out-of-pocket payment for healthcare unacceptable

National President of the Healthcare Providers Association of Nigeria, Dr. Jimmy Arigbabuwo, decried the 76 per cent out-of-pocket payment for healthcare in the country, saying it is unacceptable.

Arigbabuwo expressed concern over Nigeria’s attainment of Universal Health Coverage under such an alarming rate of out-of-pocket expenditure for healthcare, lamenting that health insurance coverage is currently less than five per cent in the country.

He urged the Federal Government to address the high cost of essential medicines in the country.

According to him, the cost of essential medicines has been going up in recent times thus making life more difficult for Nigerians.

He stressed that the FG should as a matter of urgency address the problem, lamenting that the high cost of essential medicines is causing a serious problem in the health sector.

He also noted that the high cost of drugs has become a heavy and unbearable burden on not only diabetes patients but all patients….CONTINUE READING