4 Places A Man Will Look At In Your Body Before Toasting You

When a man is interested in someone romantically and considering pursuing a relationship, there are typically a few areas of focus when looking at a woman’s body….CONTINUE READING

It’s important to note that attraction can vary greatly among individuals, and what one person finds appealing, another might not. That being said, here are four common places a man might look at:
1. Eyes.

The eyes are often considered the window to the soul. They can convey emotions and personality. A man may pay attention to your eyes to gauge your interest, sincerity, and connection.
2. Smile.

A warm, genuine smile is inviting and can be a significant point of attraction. A man may look at your smile to assess your friendliness and openness.
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3. Figure.

Physical appearance, including body shape and overall physique, can be a factor in initial attraction. Some men may notice your figure as part of their initial assessment.
4. Hands and Gestures.

Hands can reveal a lot about a person’s character and grooming. Men may observe your hands and gestures to get insights into your lifestyle, hygiene, and attention to detail….CONTINUE READING