Kill Mosquitoes With These 10 Easy Home Remedies That Actually Work

1: Eliminate standing water

First, you should know that mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. So, how to kill these mosquito larvae? It is easy, just get rid of all the stagnant bodies of water and avoid them in the future….CONTINUE READING

If you have pets, be sure to refresh their pet bowls frequently. Although this is the first step towards eliminating the presence of mosquitoes in your home, daily “human” activities like exhaling CO2 or sweating also seem to attract them to us. Don’t worry, we have some solutions for you in the following points.

#2: Candles, incense and essential oils

Incense, candles and oils made from plants or essential oils are very effective against mosquitoes because they cannot stand the smell. Lucky for you, the most effective fragrances, citronella, lemon, lavender, laurel, rosemary or basil, will lend a refreshing smell to your home. You do not have to use them all; choose the one you like best. You may have already done this without realising it, now you know why when you light your lavender candle the mosquitoes tend to disappear. This is the perfect example of how to get rid of them, without the need to kill mosquitoes while adding a fresh and relaxing touch to your home.

#3: Pot the right plant

Some plants repel mosquitoes because of their smell. Therefore, another option is to plant pots of basil, mint, rosemary etc. In addition to keeping mosquitoes away, you can use these plants to complement your dishes and add a touch of nature to your home. You can place them near a window so that they receive enough sunlight and at the same time, deter mosquitoes from entering.

#4: Lemon and clove

This method is perfect for small spaces or your room. It is very simple; all you have to do is place some split lemons with a few cloves and just like that, you will keep them away. As you can see so far, there has been no need to kill mosquitoes simply because they will not want to enter your apartment. Winning!

#5: Garlic spray

Mosquitoes hate the pungent scent of garlic

Garlic sulphur not only repels mosquitoes but also flies, ticks and fleas. To apply it in your home, you need to peel and cut several cloves of garlic and put them in a bowl with some water. Leave to macerate for a few hours and then use this water to spray all over your flat. This method is perfect for those who do not love sweet smells and dare we say, enjoy the smell of garlic?

#6: Eucalyptus oil

Mix eucalyptus oil with a shampoo to use it as a repellent

This is the perfect alternative to garlic. If you are not too keen on the idea of spreading garlic around your house, eucalyptus oil is an excellent option. You can spray it around your home or mix it with your shampoo or moisturiser and use it as a repellent….CONTINUE READING