Can you date, marry your colleague?

Halimat Shaibu

I do not think I could date or marry a workplace colleague. It does not make sense to me. I am sure many ladies do not mind….CONTINUE READING

For me, it is a no. Firstly, the saying “over-familiarity breeds contempt” comes to mind. You get to see your partner (dating or married) every time. You see them in their worst moods, when they are tired, frustrated, reprimanded, overwhelmed, etc. I prefer not to see all these. Space is healthy in relationships and very much needed. Secondly, in case there is a breakup, how do you deal with yourselves? Do you go on being cordial or avoid each other in such a space?

I like to keep my life personal, bearing in mind that each individual has their character flaws. What if your partner gossips or is a flirt and does not respect boundaries? The list is endless. In conclusion, my work life is quite different from my romantic life — and, I would like to keep it that way.

Modupe Abayomi

Though one could find love anywhere, location matters. I cannot date my colleague because there would not be respect in the relationship. He would see my flaws, and I would see his too. So, dating or marrying my workplace colleague is a no.


I cannot because I do not like the idea of my partner being in my face all the time. It is tricky, could get messy, and could affect our productivity at work.

Tosin Awoniyi

I could date, and even marry my workplace colleague because one could meet one’s soul mate anywhere. Dating one’s colleague would serve as an advantage for them to know each other, their personality and shortcomings. If one knows all these and could cope with them, there is nothing wrong with it.

Bolanle Akinwande

It is a yes and no. I would agree to the relationship if the guy would allow us to have a meeting point outside the office. No kissing or love talks during office hours. If I find that we are deeply in love I would resign from my work. I would say no if he is not reasonable with our agreement — he trying to always hug me whenever he sees me, even though he knows I am busy. I would not commit myself to such a relationship.

Funke Fadeyi

The first thing to know about him is if he is used to bonding with other ladies in the office. If not, and he meets the qualities and the requirements I am looking for, I would marry him. We all meet our spouses at one place or the other, including on the street or at a party. But, I am married now, and even a grandma.

Oluwadamilola Achudume

I can date a workplace colleague. But, before the wedding, we need to decide who leaves the job for another.


I am indifferent about this question. I could, as long as it is not a problem at my workplace. For instance, my current place of work forbids employees who were not in a romantic relationship before working there to date, which automatically rules out “dating at work”. But, then, there are still exceptions, which include one of the parties leaving the job.

The major reason why some ladies would not date anyone at their workplace is simply because of “see finish” which itself is not bad if the two people involved could draw the lines. In summary, workplace dating could be interesting.

Mariam Majekodunmi

I guess this does not have a yes or a no answer because it has worked for some people and it has not for others. However, as a matter of principle, I cannot date my colleague. Of course, it starts from dating before it gets to marriage. But when it comes to the issues of the heart or love, you never could tell.

Adeola Aderibigbe

Whether you are a lady or a man, dating or marrying a workplace colleague could be tricky. If I find someone I genuinely connect with and could maintain professionalism at work, then why not? Love could happen anywhere.

Stella Okagbue

I could. As long as I find him attractive and the connection is there, why not? The only thing is that we would keep it low-key, especially if we are dating. If we were married, everyone would know because there is no way to keep that a secret.

Obafunso Temitope

Whether you are a lady or not, dating or marrying a coworker could be a double-edged sword. One, you spend a lot of time together, which could help you know each other better. On another hand, mixing work and personal life could be weird. Office politics might come into play. That said, I would want to concentrate on work and not mix the two….CONTINUE READING