the reason why everyone throws them out and leaves them as good as new

Throwing orange peels in the trash can be the biggest mistake you can make. In fact, thanks to their properties, they can be reused in so many ways that, moreover, the waste is zero. the shells of orange….CONTINUE READING

they have four times more health benefits than the citrus itself.

They contain flavonoids, such as polymethoxyflavones and hesperidin, and other phytochemicals that are very beneficial for health. Flavonoids are antioxidant compounds that help prevent chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. It also has higher amounts of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, copper, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and dietary fiber. Not to mention the scent it gives off. So, how to take advantage of these benefits and not even waste the peel of this citrus? There are many ideas to take advantage of orange peels, but the most useful and simple solutions are three:

Due to its high vitamin C content, oranges, like the peel, are not only beneficial for the body if they are eaten. Applying it on the skin can also bring great benefits. In fact, it brings elasticity, youth, energy, luminosity and tone to skin tissue and hair. To create this revitalizing mask, you need:

Crush the orange peels in the blender and transfer them to the bowl together with the castor oil. Mix the ingredients until the mixture is perfectly homogeneous. Next, apply the mask to damp hair for about an hour. Finally, clarify it well.

For a cheap, 100% natural cleaner, this DIY cleaner is definitely perfect. Orange peels are an antiseptic, a disinfectant with an acidic pH that thoroughly cleans surfaces and also gives them a pleasant aroma. The ingredients you need are:

Preparing the mixture is very simple: place the peels in the spray can and add the white wine vinegar. Mix the two ingredients and use the resulting liquid in kitchens, furniture and shelves. If the dirt is stubborn, pour the vinegar directly onto the shell and use it as an abrasive sponge. Oranges, like their peels, give off a unique aroma in the environment that can make the environment cozy. Therefore, an air freshener is the perfect idea to reuse the peels, and it is really simple. Simply place the shells in many cotton bags along with cloves, star anise, and cinnamon. Distribute these bags throughout the different rooms of the house and, if possible, near heat sources. The aroma they will give off will be incredible….CONTINUE READING