Before You Start Making Babies After Marriage, You And Your Partner Should Answer These Questions

Before deciding to have children after getting married, it’s essential to tackle four critical questions….CONTINUE READING
1. Timing.

When do you both feel ready to become parents? Consider your age, career stability, and personal goals. Make sure you’re on the same page about when to start a family.
2. Finances.

Can you afford to raise a child? Take a close look at your income, savings, and budget. Ensure you have the financial means to provide for a child’s needs, including healthcare, education, and everyday expenses.
3. Roles and Responsibilities.

How will you share parenting duties? Discuss who will do what when it comes to childcare, household chores, and work responsibilities. Having a clear plan can prevent conflicts and ensure a balanced partnership.
4. Relationship Health.

Is your marriage strong and supportive? Assess the quality of your relationship. Having a child can add stress, so make sure you have a solid foundation of trust and open communication….CONTINUE READING