I asked God to make me ALLERGIC to my boyfriend as a sign that I should dump him – and I ended up being rushed to the hospital with hives

A teacher who asked God to give her an allergic reaction

as a sign to dump her boyfriend claimed her prayers were ‘answered’ when she was rushed to the hospital with hives


Zakiya Ivey, 24, from Chicago

, Illinois

, had been questioning her month-long relationship with a new beau last spring when she decided to seek guidance from a higher power.

‘I prayed and said, “Lord if this man is not for me, if you do not want me to be with him, give me a non-lethal allergic reaction the next time I’m with him,”‘ she recalled.

Two days later, she received a definitive answer from the heavens after she picked up her boyfriend and headed to the gym to meet up with friends.

Zakiya Ivey, 24, from Chicago, Illinois, claimed she broke out in hives after she asked God to give her an allergic reaction to her boyfriend as a sign to dump him

The teacher believes her prayers were ‘answered’ when she was rushed to the hospital with a swollen face after hanging out with him

Ivey explained that she felt fine when she started her workout, but within 20 minutes, she began to itch and knew she was ‘having an allergic reaction.’

‘I was scratching, I was rubbing my eyes. My friend told me my eyes were puffing up and I thought, “No way,”‘ she said ‘At that point, my prayer was being answered. I was shocked.’

She was taken to Walgreens to get her allergy medicine, but they were too late. Her face was already swelling, and she was ‘wheezing and crying in the aisle.’

Ivey was then rushed to the nearest hospital, where she was given an IV and placed under observation.

‘The hospital wasn’t able to find a cause. They said I’d have to go to an allergist,’ she explained, but she believes it was divine intervention.

After having the allergic reaction that she allegedly prayed for, she knew she had to break up with her boyfriend.

Ivey explained that they met through a mutual friend, but their relationship wasn’t right from the start. She claimed she had to ask him to go on dates, which were rare occurrences.

‘The relationship wasn’t fulfilling,’ she said. ‘We didn’t go on dates. We’d hang out at the house.’

Ivey explained that they met through a mutual friend, but their relationship wasn’t right from the start. She alleged that she had to ask him to go on dates, which were rare occurrences

Ivey, who shared her unbelievable story in TikTok, said she prayed to God to give her a ‘non-lethal allergic reaction’ the next time she was with her boyfriend if he wasn’t the one for her

Ivey claimed she ended up in the hospital two days later after she broke out into hives on their gym date

She said it took her about a week to finally bite the bullet and break up with him because she was holding out hope that her sign from God ‘was a fluke.’

‘We didn’t share the same values. I don’t think we were on the same page. It felt like I was more interested in the relationship than he was,’ she said.

‘I told my friends and my mom. I told all my family. They were like, “Dang, Kiya, that’s God right there. That’s your answer.” They thought it was crazy. It’s so specific.

‘It is a bit crazy,’ she admitted.

Ivey has also taken her time in the hospital as a sign that she needs to pray to God before getting into any more relationships.

‘If the person is right for me, then I’m definitely going to make sure they’re interested in me and not just saying these nice things but doing it,’ she said.

Ivey said it took her about a week to finally bite the bullet and break up with him because she was holding out hope that her sign from God ‘was a fluke’

Ivey has also taken her time in the hospital as a sign that she needs to pray to God before getting into any more relationships

‘I’d say to other women, “Know what your intuition is telling you.” I knew what the Holy Spirit was telling me from the beginning,’ she said. ‘You know what person is for you and not for you’

‘I’d say to other women, “Know what your intuition is telling you.” I knew what the Holy Spirit was telling me from the beginning. You know what person is for you and not for you. Trust those red flags.’

Ivey shared her unbelievable story in a video that went viral on TikTok with more than 770,000 views.

‘Baby! To know I serve a LOVING God who HEARS and RESPONDS is what keeps me going. I didn’t even pray it out loud but I was sincerely asking in my head,’ she wrote in the caption.

The 19-second clip received thousands of comments from stunned viewers.

‘Ma’am now why would you say such a prayer?’ one person asked, while another added, ‘ I feel like you already know the answer if you gotta ask this specifically.’

‘Ain’t no prayer that is answered faster than this one,’ someone else chimed in.