Why Women Are Now Opting Out Of Marriage

Circulating around social are video memes that depict a woman about to put on a wedding or engagement and then as she does so, flashes of her expected future flash before her eyes: her doing an excessive amount of laundry, her doing the cleaning of the house, slaving over a hot stove, and so on.

Yes, these can be quite hilarious to watch, but they speak to an important issue: more women today are opting out of marriage simply because it is just not worth it to them anymore.

A common retort from men on these videos is something along the lines of “Well, doesn’t she do it anyway?!” These obtuse men are clearly missing the point.

Yes, women are already doing housework, cooking, laundry, cleaning and so on when they are single. However, the amount of work doubles and triples after marriage, and increases further when children come along. This is more so when the man, who would generally do little to nothing around the house….THE SAME HOUSE HE IS LIVING IN…..and he also expects the woman to have a job as well.

Despite the nonsense, that men want to gaslight single women with to make women desperate for marriage, it is always men that benefit far more from marriage – remember that.
They live longer, they become healthier thanks to having a better diet and cleaner home, and they have lower stress levels.
Wives, meanwhile, have triple the workload (or more!). A man’s body can deal with constant stress, but women’s bodies are simply not built for this near-constant stress. It is no wonder that several studies and statistics show that single childfree women are the longest-living demographic.
The increased daily and routine stress from daily married life is the main reason why more married women are diagnosed with autoimmune diseases and why they generally die earlier.
See video below

So yeah – women today believe that marriage is just not worth it, and it is why a lot of them are opting out of marriage.
Keep your ring, they say, it is far better, healthier, safer and less stressful for us to remain single and unmarried.

Women are always expected to naturally do the bulk of the housework.
Men have two options, if they want to be married:

If you want her to also have a full-time job, you must also do 50% of the housework with her and/or employ a maid to come in a minimum of twice a week and get that done.
If you are happy for her to be at home, as a full-time housewife, taking care of you and all the home needs, then you must be the main breadwinner, as well as taking care of her financial needs. And, as a woman’s work in the home is never done, you should occasionally help out where you can over the weekends, so she has a bit of a break or get a maid, cleaner etc to come in once a week or once every week to do so.

I married a man who allowed me to stay home as a housewife, even on his relatively modest income. We are not rich by any standards and we make do with what we do have. My life is far less stressful and it lets me be a better wife and lover to my husband, and also a better mother to our children.

It would be crazy for a woman to get married, only to become a work mule, combining marriage, household management AND a full-time job. It is just unsustainable and you will pay for it, with not just your health and sanity, but with your marriage and your relationship with your children.

Genuinely trad Catholics and trad wives have known this for years and that is why they tend to have set-ups where the wife is at home. The modern world is simply now catching up to these centuries-old traditional marriage values and standards.
And if you are a trad woman who is involved with a so-called trad Catholic man who expects you to do the housework AND work full time after marriage, girl, throw him away. He is a fraud. He is not genuinely trad. He sees that modern women are now adopting trad values, and he wants to try and prey on you and manipulate you, expecting you to be trad and submissive to values that are not even trad in the first place! It is a DIRTY manipulative, psychological trick and men like this deliberately prey on trad Catholic women.

As a trad Catholic woman, it is YOUR JOB to be discerning, wise and picky in who you date, court and marry. Being trad doesn’t mean being a stupid doormat; it means being wise enough to discern real gold from fools’ gold.

So, in my opinion, if you are dating a guy who is unprepared to have you be a housewife and SAHM after marriage, do not marry him or date him.
There are many men who will genuinely care about you, your health and your well being, and will understand that you being at home is the best option for the marriage and the family. Hold out for them.

If more women continue to turn down men who want work-mules as wives, the men will have no choice but to step up their game and become main providers again – just like it was in the past. After all, men still have the most to benefit from marriage.

Posting this article today, the feast of Blessed Emperor Karl and his wife, Empress Zita, is very appropriate. They are literally marriage and family goals.

He never used her, abused her and expected her to be a work/mule.
He cherished her and loved her ardently and passionately until he took his dying breath. These are the men we should go for. Let the other men die out of the population.

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When we refer to a man’s role being to protect you, this also entails you protecting and covering you, spritually, emotionally, physically and healthwise.
When he lets you be at home as his wife, he is also protecting and nurturing your feminine energy, which will get depleted when subjected to never-ending constant stress

Just as a man who is emotionally or physically abusive is NOT a protector, no matter how much he earns, so too, a man who expects you to work full time as a wife is not a protector, regardless of how much he earns.