Lung Health Day: Learn ways to keep your respiratory organ healthy

World Lung Health Day is celebrated on October 25 to spread awareness about lung diseases and related diseases. Our body constantly needs adequate oxygen to stay healthy; for this, your lungs must keep working optimally. However, researchers say, the risk of many types of lung-related diseases has increased significantly in the last decade due to lifestyle, environmental, and diet-related problems.

Researchers found that due to the Corona epidemic, negative effects have been seen on this organ in many ways. Hence, people need to make continuous efforts to keep it healthy. Scientists found that including some types of vegetables in the diet can be very beneficial for lung health. Some other tips related to lung health are given below.

Smoking is the enemy of the lungs

Experts of the American Lung Association said in a report that the habit of smoking can be most harmful to the lungs. The risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been seen to be highest due to smoking. Cigarette smoke narrows the airways which can make breathing difficult. Over time, cigarette smoke starts damaging the lung tissue, which can also lead to the risk of cancer. The risk of many such problems can be reduced by staying away from smoking.

Protection against pollution

It is considered very important to protect against both indoor and outdoor pollution for lung problems. Doctors consider indoor pollution to be very harmful to the lungs. Due to continuous exposure to indoor air pollution, there can be a risk of many serious lung diseases, about which all people should be careful. Maintain proper arrangements for ventilation in the rooms.

Take measures to prevent infection

To keep the lungs healthy, it is also considered necessary to keep protecting against infections. Having frequent colds or other respiratory infections can sometimes be very serious. To avoid such problems, wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Keep taking preventive measures during cold and flu season. Also take care of oral hygiene, due to the germs present in the mouth, the health of the lungs can be affected in some situations.

Make a habit of regular exercise

Health experts say that people of all ages must include exercise in their daily routine. To keep the lungs healthy, make a habit of regular respiratory exercises, this strengthens the lungs and can also prevent many types of health risks. Being physically active can help keep your lungs and other body parts healthy.