Uganda: Man commits suicide in beautiful lady’s compound after she rejected his love proposal

A 30-year-old Ugandan man has committed suicide by poisoning after a lady he wanted for love for long proved she was not ready to accept his love proposal.

Bright Turyatunga resident of

Kinyabutongo village, Kyibimbiri parish, Matanda sub county Kanungu district took poison and died in the compound of his ex-girlfriend, Sharon Ingabire of the same area.

Kigezi Regional Police Spokesperson, Elly Maate has told The Eye Media that the incident occured on October 22, 2023 at around 10:00pm.

“He went to the home of the said Ingabire Sharon with out her consent and she refused to open for him. The following morning he found lying in the compound of Sharon in critical condition. Community members tried to give him first aid but he died instantly,” said Maate.

Reports on ground indicate that Turyatunga had on several occasions threatened to end his life if Sharon insisted on rejecting his love proposals.

In fact Dues Owoyesigire, the area LCI chairman says that at some point, Turyatunga was made by the community to put it in writing that he would never disturb Sharon by going to her home demanding for love.