If You Follow These Principles, You Won’t Be Sick

Beautiful Mrs. Tina Obi is the Managing Director of The Haven of Wellness in Lagos. She is a celebrated Wellness coach. At the just concluded City People Female Achievers Award held in Lagos, this lovely lady was one of the female achievers honoured. She is one beautiful lady who helps others achieve all round Wellness. She is good at what she does. She is quite knowledgeable about how to stay healthy. She likes to tell others how to avoid being sick, by eating right. She is worried that many celebrities are not living well and eat junk, and all the wrong food.

A few days ago this slim built lady told City People how very many people can avoid falling ill, by doing the right things. What are these right things we asked her? “The Haven of Wellness is a Wellness page & Wellness business that was set up to actually help people to live well and get better and live longer in good health,” she explained

“We have come to understand that in the society that we live in today, a lot of people are living too short and dieing too long. That is what made us to bring a package together to help people. Now, what is the meaning of living too short and dieing too long? Most people in todays world, enjoy Wellness and good health at a very short stage in their lives. We have seen a whole lot of things go wrong.”

Lately, many people have been dropping dead. What is going on we asked her? What are we doing wrong? “From our research, over time and from studies, we have come to understand that the kind of lives we live in today, is a jet age, millinium age. And we have seen a whole lot of things go wrong.”

“And most importantly, is the fact that people’s diet have been compromised. I remember that in those days, people lived till the age of 80 or 90. And they live healthy. That made me to begin to wonder that what can be wrong and what can be done.” And that is what Haven of Wellness is all about: To help people find out by trying to educate the minds of people. We need to eat a lot of Vegetables. We need to eat natural foods, organic food and all that. That is why our parents lived long in those days, but in today’s world, what we see our people eating is processed food. Some don’t have the time to eat good food because we are in a busy world where they leave home at early hours and get back late. As if that’s not enough, our plantation process as it is today, to a large extent you can’t vouch on it. You can’t really tell that what you are going to get from the farm of today, is what it ought to be. So, I think all of these things put together has be so dangerous to human health”.

As she goes around talking to people and oragnisations what message does she pass on to them?

“The simple message we try to pass to them is that they can actually live a healthy life. You can live long life, in good health, but it is a must or this are some prices you have to pay to do that, which is eating right, sleeping well. You have to understand that your body answers to a whole lot of things. So, if you know those things and if you can put them together you will live a healthy life. Take for instance our sleeping habits. It’s a busy world like I said earlier, so most people don’t find time to sleep And Sleep is one thing that helps your Wellness. Yes, it is very important. Your diet, and all of the junk food, it has to stop. You have to be on a good diet in terms of the food you put into your body. Another thing is lack of Excercise. People don’t work out anymore because we feel working out is for fat people and those on the big side. But the truth is everybody needs to work out because that way your blood circulates. So it is not about being fat or being slim.

Another important thing is taking supplements along with your diet, The need to take supplements cannot be over emphasised. The truth is, we can’t get all we want as nutrients, in our body, from the food we eat everyday. That is why natural supplements are of great essence. So when you don’t eat well in a day, you can help yourself by supplementing your diet. There are lots of supplements out there. If you know where to lay your hands on good supplements make sure you get it. Supplement your diet. We have been told, and it is known that the body of man is made to be able to heal itself. And the only way that’s possible is if your body is functioning properly and your nutrients are intact. And if this is not so, you can’t heal yourself. Your body can’t heal itself.

However, we always like to say at the end of every presentation that at the end of the day, the place of doctors can not be taken out. If you are down with an ailment and you need to see a doctor, please kindly do so, because your treatment is also important when you are down with ailment. But for those of us that are still trying to live healthy and you know you don’t have an ailment, you only need to maintain Wellness, then do these things and supplement your diet and you are so sure of living an healthy life.

When she says how to live healthy, what does that mean?

How to live healthy is simple. It is like the answer to principles of living. How to live healthy include the things you need to put in place, to be able to enjoy a healthy life. Like I mentioned, the sleeping habit, a good eating pattern, the exercising, the coming together of loved ones, this are things you need to put in place in your everyday life that helps you live well. So that is what I mean when you say living healthy. In this crazy environment called Lagos how can anyone live healthy?

The truth is. It’s a busy world, Lagos State is busy, especially if you are working. But the truth is, in the midst of all of this, you have to make a place for your Health. Now let say you do a 7am-5pm or 9am-9pm. In the midst of 9am to 9pm, if you are a type of person that works in an office and you always seat behind a desk, now you have to go out of the house very early where you don’t get to have breakfast and on their way, they have to take junk on one or two things. The truth is you can plan your day. You can plan your day. You wake up as early as 5am. You can do breakfast like vegetables, fruits, oat to hold your stomach. Make it a habit that whenever you are at the office and you have a time to move around, because people like that I don’t see them having time to exercise except during the weekends. But on a daily basis you can just walk around and don’t seat down for too long. Then make sure you have your supplement, drink lots of water and when you have the time to rest, please rest as much as you can, even if it’s 1 hour, Rest is good for your Wellness, if you don’t rest then your Wellness may not be intact”.

“It is really very unfortunate, but the truth is, it can’t be changed. There is an amount of hours you need to sleep to be able to function properly. But it’s true that some of us don’t have the time to sleep. We don’t have that time. That is why in the middle of it all, if you get a time to rest for little 1 hour try to make use of that time because at the end of old age it tells on your body, it tells on your body system, so I will just encourage that if you are the type that gets up very early and gets back late at nights well unfortunately it is what it is but sleep all you can. If between the day, you have rest period kindly rest even if it’s just a nap of 30 minutes it’s also a plus to your health.”

Whenever she talks about Wellness, what does the concept of Wellness mean?

“The concept of wellness entails not just your Health, but it entails you functioning at a maximum when it comes to every area of your life. Take for instance now; Spiritually, you should be sound to be well. Mentally you should be sound to be well, Emotionally, you should be sound to be well. Same way, health wise, you should be sound to be well. So all of this put together is what Wellness is about. At the Haven of Wellness we are coming from the point of being healthy when it comes to your health.”

Why did she decide to go into this area?

Hmmm! “I remember around 2018, before 2019, I actually didn’t have any ailment that I was diagnosed for, but I knew I wasn’t functioning properly, I knew there was so much wrong with me because I don’t work. I don’t do a 9-6pm job, I run my own kind of business. But I just noticed that, a whole lot is going wrong. I saw my health deteriorating. When I wake up in the morning I can’t wake up, I just know I was not healthy. So this made me start looking for what to do. Someone introduced a product to me in America (PR). I used them and I was surprised to see there was so much change with my health. And I felt like there are some of things people don’t know people don’t understand the place of supplementary diet for being well. The truth is if you can get the nutrients into your body, you will function properly. So, I got those nutrients, and I started functioning properly. And I said ok let me share this . Lets encourage other people, lets educate people’s mind, so that they can understand that actually you can be well. I have stayed for 4 years now and I have not seen a doctor. That’s because I understand my body and that is possible with everybody. It is just a decision you have to make and follow the process.