Video: Drugs You Should Take Cautiously If You Have Weak Erection

Some drugs affect drive, blood flow, or organ function which may cause erectile dysfunction (ED). Many men use drugs indiscriminately without exercising caution. Some of these drugs end up worsening their conditions. If you observe that the drug you’re currently taking is causing or worsening your problems, then need to meet with your doctor for advice.It is not advisable to stop using the drugs, instead, you should ask your doctor who may switch the drugs or change your dosage. These drugs shouldn’t be used without caution as they may cause issues. In this article, I’ll like to enlighten you about medications that may worsen ED according to Medical Today

1. Hypertension drugs.

Drugs used to treat high blood pressure popularly known as hypertension shouldn’t be used indiscriminately as they can cause ED. They may reduce blood flow throughout the body of a man resulting in ED
2. Corticosteroids.

These drugs are prescribed to help reduce inflammation in the body. It is not advisable to take these drugs unless prescribed by a medical doctor. These drugs reduce testosterone levels which may decrease desire and performance in men.
3. Immunosuppressants.

Some people have autoimmune conditions eg their immune system attacks healthy cells in their bodies. Hence they have to take an immunosuppressant. However, these drugs shouldn’t be taken carelessly as they may reduce a man’s performance
4. Anti-epileptics.

These medications are prescribed to prevent epileptic seizures but they also affect a man’s ability to clim$x. Hence they shouldn’t be used without doctors’ prescriptions.

Ps. Be careful when taking these drugs and make sure you immediately report any form of changes you observe