4 Subtle Signs of a Person Who’s in Better Shape Than They Think

We all know what the perfect body type looks like.

It’s all over social media.

We see a-list celebrities with chiseled chests and 6-pack abs, thinking they are incredibly healthy and look like that throughout the year. Many people crave that body image and even work towards that goal.

But upon closer look, you realize how undesirable and unsustainable those body compositions can be.

Zac Efron spoke out about “how devastating the process was for him, and how long the ill effects of his training lasted” and he “much prefer to have an extra, you know, 2 to 3 percent body fat.” when he was preparing for the movie Baywatch which he was starring in.

And there’s so much more to getting in shape than your physical appearance.

Oftentimes, what matters more is how you feel throughout the day, the energy levels that you have, and your mental health. No point in being in great shape but you end up feeling unhappy because you:

Can’t eat your favorite food
Can’t enjoy meals or party with friends
Stress over hitting your daily macros each day

There’s always a sweet spot to hit while balancing all the important things in life. It doesn’t always have to be about that high-definition body. I’ve come to learn this lesson and now my goals have shifted from a bodybuilding type of goal toward longevity.

Besides focusing on building muscles and growing in size, I believe mobility and functional training are just as important. This shift in mindset helps me to feel better about myself and have more fun with training rather than simply focusing on packing on more weight each session.

With that shift in mindset, I’ve come to realize a couple of subtle signs of people who are in way better shape than they think and more people should pat themselves on the back for it.
1. You’re Doing Better Than You Did Before