Men Avoiding Women! Why Men Don’t Approach Women Anymore!

“Men avoiding women: Why men don’t approach women anymore” in both dating and the workplace is the topic of our article today.

An interesting topic that we have discussed here before on medium that I think needs to be revisited. Why?

Because I see a lot of men walking around looking confused and uncertain about where they stand in the dating world.

So instead of talking to men out there, like I have in the past, today I went online on various forums…

…and just took out some quotes that hopefully will resonate with men in their efforts to recalibrate their efforts to meet and date a woman they may be interested in.
When a man avoids a woman? Hmm…

What exactly does that mean? Well, it appears that men seem to want to avoid a woman due to many reasons.

Very valid reasons.

And going online and looking for information and getting various quotes from across the web it appears men are in fact avoiding women.

Everything from avoiding rejection to avoiding the reality of their own lack of physical appeal.

But it is a fact that women are being avoided by men and for very good reasons.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons that came forward from the various quotes I pulled from the internet.
Video: Why Men Are AVOIDING Modern Women Like The Plague
Why men avoid women? Some direct quotes:
Number One: “Risk” at the workplace.

Quote: “Risk! Besides, why talk to girls when you could get accused of harassment?”

There is nothing worse than having an innocent conversation with a woman that you work with and then a day later having human resources call you.

They flat out claim that you harassed, no… sexually harassed a female co-worker.

Little did you know that telling the woman that she looked pretty today could lead to a charge of sexual harassment.

This seems to be more common than most of us realize. A woman’s “perception” is their reality.

Regardless of how you may have assumed your comment to the woman was innocent, she may have taken it in a very negative way.

Be very careful in the workplace and stay only professional with women and make sure other people are around when having a conversation, ANY conversation with a female coworker.

It’s an unfortunate thing this has gotten to this point in business today!
Number Two: NO man wants to be rejected!

Quote: “Rejection: we know our worth, and we are sick of it!”

No truer words have been spoken. For a man to walk up to a woman and just say hello and start a conversation takes quite a bit of courage and gumption.

It really does!

In working his way up to muster the courage is in fact a considerable effort for most men.

So when he does finally get to that point and walks up to this attractive girl and she rebuffs him, she rejects him or is just flat out rude back to him, it can be an “emotionally debilitating” experience for the man.

No man wants to experience rejection!
Number three: Indifference.

Quote: “I’m not wasting time on anyone who’s not interested or merely “tolerating” my advances!”

In today’s day and age, unlike even just a quick 10 or 15 years ago, many women who date online are finding themselves “spoiled with choice”.

Not only do they have men that they work with… or hang out with in their small social circle to choose from, they have men from all over the world expressing interest in them.

A man from London can reach out to a woman living in Bangor, Maine, for example.

So now she has thousands of potential suitors where in the past she may have had 20.

The odds are stacked against men and have become very lopsided in favor of women.

This creates a sense of indifference in women when a man makes the effort to approach her expressing any type of interest. Bummer!
Number Four: Women are a waste of money!

You don’t say! Here’s the quote:

Quote: “…taking women out for elaborate dinners, entertainment, showing them everything they do for them, this has nothing to do with who men are, and men are waking up to this outdated and “manipulative” paradigm.”

Yep! In my day, some 30 years ago, this was standard practice.

The first month or two dating a woman you are typically “wining and dining” a woman non-stop.

Taking her on trips and showing her around the town spending a good amount of money doing so.

The man paid for everything. Today is slightly different.

Men are waking up to the fact that most women are spinning plates with him wanting to be one of those plates.

Coming to this realization men are now becoming very reluctant to spend money on a woman knowing the return on investment will fall short.

Why waste money on a woman who may only be partially interested in you if she has any interest at all!

No joke!
Video: Women In Tears Because Men Don’t Approach Them Anymore
Number Five: Do not want to be called a “creep”!

Yeah… this is a big one! Here’s the quote:

Quote: “…the world is likely to view him as a creep even though he’s doing something that’s completely natural and expected!”

There is nothing worse than innocently approaching a woman you find attractive in an appropriate setting to have a woman not only rebuff your interest but also start talking about you to her friends that you are a creep.

Word gets out and gets back to you that you are now officially considered a creep and a loser.

That is very unfortunate; but is a very real concern amongst men today. Women have become more “aggressively rude and nasty” in their reactions to men expressing interest.

I personally believe feminism and the decay of our society in general has created this particular problem for men!

This could be a major reason why men are avoiding women and not wanting to approach women anymore!!

If you want a sample of just how rude and nasty women can get, just read the comments associated with several of my articles here on Medium.

Comments from bitter, angry and classless women who do not want to hear a man’s perspective on the topic of dating and relationships!

I laugh every time I read them!
Number Six: Women do not want unwanted attention!

Quote: “…because some women have spent the past few decades complaining loudly, about “unwanted attention” from men!”

No kidding! In the past I have had women complain to me that they have not met a man and they are tired of being single.

But, once a man approaches her, whether it be at a nightclub or on the tennis courts she gets all grossed out.

Gets all strange and defensive towards the man. Then she goes right back to complaining how she can’t meet a decent man.

Of course the man walks away feeling dejected and inadequate. Women just don’t want “unwanted” attention.

But crave any attention they can get as long as it meets exactly what they want at that moment according to their current emotional state of being.

This is kind of tricky for a man to be able to read the signals as to when or not to approach.

Maybe it’s not worth the man’s time!
Number Seven: Feminism! Enough said! Really.

Quote: “…ladies, this is what your feminism garbage has brought you!”

Very, very true! Women seem to want to have their cake and eat it too.

When a woman who totally buys into the feminist nonsense and acts almost like she hates men, how can she complain about men avoiding women.

What man in his right mind would want to date a woman who embraces all that a feminist brings to the table in a relationship.

Not me!

Not any guy I know!

Men want women who are ladies. Women who are feminine.

And women who are eager to be by a man’s side!

They don’t want to have to compete with a woman like she is a man.

Video: How Feminism Ruins Marriage
Number Eight: Women are just too picky and overly selective today!

Quote: “…women want to be approached. Just only by good looking and tall men.”

In the various manosphere areas on the internet today there are numerous podcasts that discuss this very topic.

It seems that women only want a man who’s over 6 ft tall, earns a six figure income and has six pack abs.

That is very understandable. Unfortunately I read somewhere that this is like less than 1% of the total male population!

Just like men wanting to date a young beautiful woman who is to fit their exact requirements is very slim to none.

Being too picky and exacting in your requirements for a mate can greatly hinder one’s ability to be approached.

Men sense this and have elected to just walk away from approaching women who are looking for that very elusive man that they are not.

Why bother when rejection is going to be the obvious outcome.
Number Nine: MGTOW!

Quote: “…all because of MGTOW spreading!”

I know of several men who have decided just to do their own thing and stop pursuing women. They’re enjoying their friends.

They are enjoying their hobbies. They are enjoying traveling. And they are definitely enjoying having much less stress and drama in their lives by not having a woman in their lives.

That makes total sense to me.

This MGTOW movement is catching on with a lot of men who are just tired of the dating scene with very selfish feminist women and just want to have a nice quality of life.

I can truly understand this.

Men are electing to pursue a higher quality of life that does not involve a woman being in their life and seem to be much happier as a result of this!
Number Ten: Who wants to date a single mom!?!

Quote: “…sure as heck, I don’t want stepchildren who say “you are not my dad”, in the meantime I should pay for nearly everything!!”

No joke here! Keep in mind I’m a 62-year-old guy and I’ve dated a lot of women in my younger days.

This included dating several women who had kids. Yikes!

And let me tell you when you date a woman who has kids it can be a less than stellar situation for the man.

All of a sudden you are expected to be a surrogate father dealing with a child who will never accept you into their lives.

This happened to me and was my experience.

And for all of you women out there who will leave a nasty comment for this article hating on me for stating this… all I can say is, it’s accurate and was my experience.

And apparently it’s the experience of a lot of men out there. Dating a single mom sometimes can be very rewarding.

But, having to deal with a child that is not yours, and having the father constantly popping into your life because of the kid, well, that can be a difficult landscape to navigate.

What guy would want that? A lot of men don’t!
Video: Why You NEVER Date Single Moms
Lastly, Number Eleven: Shyness!

Most men today are shy.

They lack the social skills and confidence to be able to approach a woman to initiate a conversation. Here is the very simple quote I pulled offline:

Quote: “…overwhelming shyness!”

No joke here. I cannot tell you how many men lack confidence just due to the fact that they are not living interesting lives which creates confidence.

They are stuck behind the computer screen thinking that that is real life.

With this lack of confidence comes shyness. This shyness makes him very reluctant to ever approach a woman they may be interested in.

Shyness will totally cripple a man’s ability to connect with any woman. It is my estimate that over 80% of men are shy to the point of it being a debilitating personality defect!

Turn off the computer. Start living an interesting life meeting new people and doing interesting things. Shyness starts to go away.

Do that and you’ll solve this problem.

In my opinion I think this is the number one reason why men are avoiding women!
Even in the Workplace! Not just dating!! Why Men are Avoiding Women in professional settings!

Over the years, I’ve observed and discussed with many men about their behaviors and feelings in the workplace.

One topic that’s been popping up more frequently is why some men are avoiding women at work. Let’s dive into this, shall we?

First off, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room: the #MeToo movement.

While it has done wonders in highlighting the issues of sexual harassment and assault, some men have responded with caution, fearing they might unintentionally cross a line or be misunderstood.

They worry that a casual compliment or a friendly gesture might be misconstrued, leading to potential accusations. Yikes!!

So, to play it safe, they might choose to limit their interactions with female colleagues.

Another reason is the changing dynamics of workplace relationships.

As the lines between professional and personal blur, especially with the rise of social media, some men feel it’s easier to maintain a distance to avoid any potential complications.

They might think, “What if a friendly chat is perceived as flirting? Better to keep things strictly professional.”

There’s also the age-old stereotype that men and women can’t be “just friends.” Even though many of us know this isn’t true, the belief still lingers in the back of some minds.

Some guys might avoid forming close friendships with women at work to sidestep any office gossip or potential misunderstandings.

That’s exactly what I did when working as a manager of a larger organization!

Lastly, let’s not forget the pressure to adhere to traditional gender roles.

Some men might feel that being too friendly or emotionally open with women might make them appear less “manly.”

They might choose to stick with their male colleagues, thinking it’s a safer bet.

So, while it’s essential to respect boundaries and maintain professionalism, it’s equally important to foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable interacting without fear.

After all, diverse and inclusive workplaces are the most productive and innovative.

Let’s keep the conversation going and bridge the gap! And men… keep your interactions with women in the office solely professional.
Video: Young Office Gals Have MELTDOWN As New Male Employee Won’t Pay Attention To Them
1. Why are men avoiding women in the workplace?

Many men now avoid interaction with women altogether in the workplace due to the prevalence of sexual harassment incidents and the fear of being falsely accused. It is important to note that not all men are avoiding women, but the cautiousness has increased in recent times.
2. Is the #MeToo movement the reason behind men avoiding women?

The #MeToo movement has shed light on the extent of sexual harassment in the workplace, which has influenced interactions between men and women. While not the sole reason, it has certainly contributed to some men being more hesitant to engage with women.
3. Are men reluctant to hire women for jobs?

Yes, some men appear to be reluctant to hire attractive women for certain positions due to concerns of potential complications or workplace issues. However, it’s important to remember that not all men hold this sentiment and many recognize the importance of gender equality in the workplace.
4. What percentage of men are avoiding women in the workplace?

According to a survey, approximately 27 percent of men have expressed feeling nervous about working with women in a one-on-one setting. It’s crucial to understand that this percentage doesn’t represent all men but indicates a notable percentage with concerns.
5. How does sexism play a role in men avoiding women?

Sexism can contribute to men avoiding women by perpetuating a negative and distrustful view of female colleagues. It’s crucial to address and eliminate sexist attitudes to foster a more inclusive and accepting work environment.
6. Are men continuing to interact with women in other professional settings?

Yes, it’s important to note that while some men are cautious in the workplace, interactions with women still occur in various professional settings, such as meetings, conferences, and collaborative projects. Avoidance is not universal.
7. Are there any tips for men to overcome their nervousness about working with women?

Yes, a helpful tip is for men to focus on treating all colleagues equally and professionally, regardless of their gender. Building strong professional relationships based on respect, clear communication, and empathy can help alleviate nervousness and foster positive interactions.
8. Is it fair to exclude women altogether in the workplace based on these concerns?

No, excluding women altogether in the workplace based on apprehensions is not fair or justified. It is essential to address the underlying issues, foster open dialogue, provide training on appropriate behavior, and create an inclusive environment that promotes equal opportunities for everyone. Just be careful in how you interact with female coworkers and keep everything professional!
Final thoughts…

Alright, let’s sum this all up! Looking at why some dudes avoid the ladies, it’s clear that there’s a whole mix of reasons.

Times are changing, with everything from our screen-dominated lives to the impact of movements like #MeToo shaping how we interact.

Now, while some of these reasons might be rooted in real experiences or simple misunderstandings, I think it all boils down to one thing: we’ve gotta talk more!

Let’s keep the lines of communication open, shall we? If we all just chat openly, listen, and try to understand each other’s viewpoints, we can navigate these tricky waters.

So, here’s to us, trying our best to connect, understand, and make the world a little friendlier for everyone.