The Only Three Hobbies Worth Pursuing In Life

The lack of interest killed me the most.

I was 17 years old and picking and packing products in a warehouse that had no natural light.

Every day I would just count down the hours until I went home.

I was purely in it for the money which was all I knew at the time.

Everyone around me was also working passionless jobs and living for the weekend so there was no reason why I should question it.

That was until a friend went to Fiji and sent back photos of turquoise waters, sandy beaches, fresh coconuts, and blissful smiles.

“I want that!” I remember saying to myself.

Those feelings stayed with me until I had saved enough money to go myself.

My first destination: Fiji.

That was the beginning of 12 years of travel and along the way, I discovered that there was so much more to life than just getting by. I also met people who were living the kind of life that I could only dream of and the best part was that they said, “I could do it too.”

That’s how I ended up teaching scuba diving all over the Caribbean for five years, hosting breathwork events in Portugal and South Africa, and becoming a full-time writer.

During those years, I discovered a common theme when it comes to creating long-term happiness, whether that be in business, personal development, or the entertainment industry.

1. A hobby to train the mind

2. A hobby to train the body

3. A hobby to make money

As you can see there is a lot of ‘wiggle room’ to insert personal choice as I don’t agree with a one-size-fits-all kind of approach. However, I do wholeheartedly believe in this trio because they improve both our physical and mental health. And when combined with a creative passion in life they can really create a sense of purpose and meaning.

For the remainder of this blog, I’ll share how this has played out in my own life and share how it can be applied to almost…