How to Get Your Shit Together

If you could just figure out how to get your shit together, you can make a lot of amazing things happen in your life. You know this.

That gap between who you are right now and who you know you could be, bothers you because it seems pretty straightforward, but you just can’t do it.

You want to get out of this rut and genuinely feel like you have your shit together. So how do you do it?
Face The Truth

You already know how to get your shit together. The key to getting started with the process is knowing that you already know.

One of the hardest things to do is simply stop lying to yourself. You’re not lost. You just don’t want to find yourself. You’re not aimless. There are plenty of places you’d aim if you weren’t so tied to your current identity.

If you want to make a sincere change in your life you have to have a brutally honest self-assessment. It’s as simple as comparing yourself right now to the person you know you could be. Be brutally honest about that mismatch

I used to think I was a smart kid who was going places. But when I looked at my life, I was headed nowhere fast. Plenty of potential, but no results, and the results are all that matter. The results were abysmal, and I had to admit that to myself instead of trying to cope by saying things would get better eventually.

This goes for you, too. Understand that things won’t magically get better eventually.

Combine that brutally honest self-assessment with a sense of urgency. You don’t have as much time as you think.

With that sense of urgency in mind, focus on the three-step process you need to follow to get your shit together and start legitimately moving toward your dreams.
Step 1: Stop Digging

Regardless of where you are right now, just focus on not making things worse. Don’t fall into what I like to call ‘death spirals.’ Death spirals are these actions you take because you’re already so much in the hole you figure a few extra inches won’t hurt.

You’re out of shape so you binge eat telling yourself that you’ll start your workouts…