I Found A Man While Doing A Hookup Job But There’s A Problem

Times were hard for me so I joined a friend who was working on the street as a hookup girl. She had done it for a year so she knew her way around the job. She taught me two or three things and told me I was ready. I was only doing it to raise money to be able to start something for myself.

My first night was terrible. All the men who came my way were men I wouldn’t sleep with in real life so I mentioned an outrageous price just to push them away. My friend said, “Here, we don’t say yes to a man. We say yes to money. We don’t care about the hand that carries the money.”

Three days later, a car stopped by and a man asked me to get in. I was scared but I tried to act hard. I didn’t know what he saw in me but he said, “You’re new here, right?” I answered, “It’s my first night and you’re the first to talk to me.”

He asked for my name and I told him. He said, “I mean your real name.” I hesitated but gave him my first name. He told me he was called Agyapong. We talked for like thirty minutes. Just questions and answers. He took my number, gave me an amount and drove away.

I didn’t see him again until three days later. When he came, he talked to me like he did the first time. He didn’t take me away. He gave me money and left. He did that many times until I asked him why. He said, “I just like your company.” I told him, “Then help me get a job. I want to leave here.”

He connected me to a guy called Nana who gave me an inventory job. The salary was not that good but Nana promised they would increase it if I worked hard. Nana always came around to check up on me, bringing me lunch sometimes. I wasn’t hearing from Agyapong. Even when I called his phone, he didn’t pick up. I would send him a text and he would just write, “I’m busy. I will call later.” That call will never come.

Nana proposed to me. He had been kind to me so I said yes and we started dating. Just a month after dating, Agyapong came out of nowhere asking me questions about my relationship with Nana. When I told him I was dating Nana, this guy got mad. “What were you looking for, a job or a man? Is that how you are?”

To cut a long story short, he told Nana where he picked me from. Nana felt betrayed and left the relationship. I didn’t only lose the relationship, I lost my job too. Back to square one.

Since I lost my job, Agyapong has started getting closer again. He sends me money when I ask him. When I need something and I tell him, he gets it for me. Now I’m confused.

Should I ask him what he wants from me? Does he like me and can’t say it? I’ve asked him to help me set up something for myself. He said he would try but I want to know what he wants from me. Is it OK if I ask him?