How To Use Salt And Onions To Get Rid Of Rats And Bedbugs

Humans don’t only despise the smell of onions and garlic, but one of the great home remedies to get rid of rats too. Put the sliced onion outside their holes or entryways. This will be sufficient to avert them from infesting your home.

But you have to be extra vigilant while using onions as they’ll rot within two days, and you’ll have to replace them with fresh onions. Discard the rotten onions as they can be toxic for kids and pets.

With garlic, you can simply place garlic cloves at the entry points of rodents or make a mixture of garlic in water.

Salt takes the moisture out of the tissue. By applying it, you drain water and all fluids from the tissue. This is is well known as a remedy for slugs, snails, and similar pests in your garden. When a creature is being sprayed with salt, or if they cross a surface covered in salt, it will absorb it through the skin. That way it drains all liquids from the creature causing it to dehydrate, and eventually, it dies.