What He Really Means When He Says ‘We Should Hang Out’

There are few phrases that are more easily misinterpreted than when men say, “We should hang out sometime.” For such a simple statement, it only seems to summon countless questions. First of all, is it actually an invitation, or merely just a polite suggestion? And what exactly does he mean by “hang out”? Does he mean that we should hang out simply as pals or as something more?

What was with that tone of voice that he used? And what is it that he want us to do together?

While it’s definitely a little awkward to ask someone directly whether or not we were just asked out on a date, it’s even more embarrassing to misunderstand someone’s intentions when you’re actually out on the date (or non-date) itself.

Heck, we’d be lying if we said that we didn’t learn how to differentiate between a date and a hang out the hard way on a couple of occasions. But, fear not, we’ve got a few pointers that may save you from the dreaded hassle of miscommunication.

It’s a date if…

1. He asks you out using the phrase, “Have dinner with me.”

2. He brings you flowers.

3. He takes you somewhere fancy, dimly lit, quaint or with live piano music.

4. He offers to pay and refuses all of your attempts to go half-and-half.

5. He goes out of his way to walk or to drive you home. (And bonus points for if he texts you goodnight or even good morning to ask if you slept well.)

6. He’s planned out the whole evening.

7. He tries to feed you.

8. He tries to prolong the night for as long as he possibly can.

9. He makes at least one attempt at physical affection. We’re not even talking about a full-blown kiss here — it could be hair touching, arms across your shoulders, and elbow-guiding. These are all fair game.

Unfortunately, there are a few signs he’s just not that into you. Don’t let them confuse you.

It’s not a date if…

1. He asks if you want to “tag along” to some event that he would have attended regardless.

2. He asks you out by using the phrase “hang out” or “grab food,” and especially if he brings it up at the last second.

3. He doesn’t offer to pay.

4. He talks about another love interest.

5. During dinner, he asks you if you want to meet up with his friends afterward.

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6. He keeps a foot of distance between you at all times.

7. He calls you “buddy” or “pal.” (Hello, friend zone!)

8. You eat at a fast food joint.

So, now you know what can qualify as the differences between being on an actual date and just “hanging out” with someone.

Once you’re able to differentiate between the two, it can save you from all the questioning and wondering and let you skip right to knowing where you really stand with this person.