Hardship, stress trigger premature grey hair, say dermatologists

Unaddressed stress can impair the immune system of the body, resulting in inflammation, damage to hair follicles, and early development of grey hair, dermatologists have warned.

The skin and hair experts explained that the damage to hair follicles might cause a decrease in the amount of melanin, which is the substance responsible for hair colour.

While noting that the primary cause of premature greying of hair is considered to be genetic, they noted that certain environmental factors also influence hair colour.

According to them, stress can also impact the body in several ways, part of which is causing physical changes that include increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate and muscle tension.

Speaking exclusively with PUNCH Healthwise, the skin specialists noted that the hardship currently plaguing Nigeria can have a variety of effects on the body and that it is not uncommon for these factors to cause changes in hair texture, greying, or hair loss in individuals.

A Consultant Dermatologist and Venereologist, Dr. Omotoyosi Ilesanmi explained that medical conditions like autoimmune disorders and cancer can also trigger greying of hair.

Ilesanmi, a hospital consultant at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Kwara State, said people going through chronic stress might develop grey hair overnight.

Among the main causes of premature greying, according to her, are imbalanced diets, work-related stress, poor sleep, and dehydration.

She, however, noted that grey hair is part of ageing, especially for those above 40 years.

The dermatologist maintained that while many people attribute grey hair to stress, other variables including heredity and other medical issues also play a role.

On how to reverse greying caused by stress, the dermatologist added, “We need to understand what type of stress is causing the greying of hair. Is it stress from work? And how stressful is the work? We have mind exercises that people can do.

“People can go into yoga for relaxation. People can practice meditation and rest.

“Now there is also the issue of inadequate sleep. Some people don’t sleep for more than four to five hours a day and that is very injurious to their health and can cause chronic stress and of course lead to greying of hair.

“So, the recommended number of hours for an adult to sleep is within seven to eight hours every day and not broken down like naps. You should have a very good sleeping habit like if you’re going to bed by eight and then count eight hours with that.

“You need adequate sleep without taking stimulants. Some people take coffee and caffeine before they can sleep. All of these might interrupt sleep. Some people drink alcohol, smoke, or take very heavy meals that would interrupt their sleep. All of these should be out of the way so that they don’t develop chronic stress.

“The other thing that can cause chronic stress apart from sleep is you are not taking adequate water. We would also advise the person to be well-hydrated. We usually recommend up to six, or eight glasses of water every day to keep one hydrated. So, all of these would reduce and improve the metabolism, and also reduce stress.”

The dermatologist underscored the importance of eating a balanced diet, emphasizing that consuming foods high in antioxidants can help remove free radicals that are created during prolonged stress and inflammation.

She further said, “And what are these antioxidants? They are fruits and vegetables. So, WHO recommends that you should take between four to five servings of vegetables and fruits every day. And it should be varied. Maybe take a little helping of watermelon, pineapples, green leafy vegetables, and cucumber every day.

“That will help because you are infusing your body with a lot of antioxidants and minerals that will combat the oxidation and stress that happens in the body and reduce the effect of stress.

“Exercise is also something that has been found to help reduce stress. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym to exercise. That’s what we usually tell people. You can take long walks, even in the evening, maybe with your music in your ears. Then just take long walks, and look at the scenery.

“We recommend at least 30 minutes of long walks every day for at least five times a week. That’s like 150 minutes a week. That helps to improve your blood circulation. And it helps to release what we call the happy hormones like serotonin. This helps to improve one’s mood, reduces stress, and reduces the onset of greying.

“We have supplements that contain biotin, zinc, selenium, and chromium. Go to most pharmacies, they have supplements.

“We also have supplements that we can recommend to kind of slow down this process of hair greying. But it is usually very difficult to reverse once greying has set in. However, what you can do is slow down the process of greying.

“And of course, we also can dye our hair. We have temporary and permanent dyes, so those can even be done in cosmetic language.”

Speaking also, a dermatologist at Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Dr. Ayo Adebowale, explained that stress-related change in the hair is often temporary and can be reversed.

He maintained that the stress of hardship can lead to hair turning grey sooner than expected.

According to him, when the body is stressed, the adrenal glands produce the hormone cortisol. Cortisol triggers the production of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles.

While noting that premature greying hair is not simply a cosmetic issue, Adebowale added that it could be an outward sign of an imbalance in the body and a signal that something needs to be addressed.

He added, “It is not unusual for a person to experience hair loss, hair greying, or changes in hair texture as a result of these stressors. This is because the body’s stress response, which involves the release of hormones like cortisol, can lead to changes in hair follicles.

“In Nigeria, many people are facing significant economic hardship. This can lead to immense stress, which can in turn cause the body to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone can cause changes to the hair follicles, leading to premature greying.

“It can also lead to other changes in hair, such as dryness, breakage, and thinning. These changes are temporary and reversible, but they can still be distressing for those experiencing them.”

He also stated that stress can be managed by finding healthy ways to cope, such as engaging in exercise, meditation, and social support.

“Stress-related greying can be caused by multiple factors. It is not just the cortisol itself that causes it, but the way that cortisol interacts with other hormones and chemicals in the body. When cortisol levels are high, the body produces less dopamine, which can lead to greying.

“Early greying may be a sign of something serious, such as an autoimmune disease. So it is important to consult with a doctor if you notice a change in your hair color.

“I would encourage anyone who experiences an unusual change in hair colour, especially if it is happening rapidly, to see a dermatologist.

“While stress-related greying may be common, there are other causes of greying that can be managed, and it is important to get a diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible. With proper care, many people can reverse their greying and regain their natural hair colour”, he said.

A study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology found that stress can indeed trigger hair greying, but only in people who are genetically predisposed to it.

The study, conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School used mice to investigate the link between stress and graying.

The mice were subjected to chronic stressors, such as loud noises, bright lights, and overcrowding and the researchers found that this led to a significant increase in the number of grey hairs in the mice.

The researchers concluded that the stress response in the mice was causing a loss of melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment in hair follicles.

While the study was conducted in mice, it has important implications for humans. It suggests that people who are genetically predisposed to hair greying may be more likely to experience premature greying when they are under chronic stress.

The researchers believe that this may be due to the effect of stress hormones on the body, which can lead to a disruption in the normal cycle of hair growth and pigmentation. The findings of the study suggest that reducing stress levels may be a way to prevent or slow down the onset of grey hair.

The study also highlighted the importance of understanding the genetic and environmental factors that can contribute to hair greying.