Four All-Natural Foods That Can Help You See Better at Night and Clear Your Eyes

The type of foods you consume can affect your night vision. Clear night vision is very important as it helps you to carry out your night activities without difficulties.

There are foods which can help you in this regard. They have been proven to help clear your eyes and improve vision.

According to a publication by, below are 4 natural foods that can clear your eyes and improve your night vision:

1. Sweet Potatoes

A special compound called beta-carotene gives sweet potato its orange color. It can also be found in carrots, cantaloupe, apricots, and mangoes.

This beta-carotene contains a form of vitamin A that promotes night vision by improving the way your eyes adjust to dark conditions.

Sweet potatoes also contain a high amount of vitamin C and a miniature amount of vitamin E which is healthy for the body.

2. Squash

Squash is a special green vegetable that is easily available. It is rich in two important antioxidants which can’t be produced by the body – zeaxanthin, and lutein.

These two antioxidants play help to clear the eyes. It also improves night vision. Squash also contains vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and Omega-3 fatty acids which are required by different organs in the body.

3. Leafy dark vegetables

Leafy dark vegetables are readily available and include kale, spinach, collard, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc.

These are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, zeaxanthin, and other essentials antioxidants that prevent the build-up of harmful free radicals in the eyes.

In addition to improving night vision, they also decrease the risk of long-term eye conditions, macula degeneration, and Cataracts.

4. Eggs, beans, and legumes

These are rich in mineral zinc that helps your body to absorb the lutein and zeaxanthin required by the eyes for effective functioning.

Compounds in the eye also prevent harmful blue light from damaging your retina. These play important role in night vision.

In addition, red pepper, nuts and sunflower seeds, salmon, lean meat, and poultry also play help to improve your night vision.

Increase your consumption of natural foods and remove artificial ones from your diet. Remember that your health is in your hands…