5 Reasons Why People Suffering From Diabetes Should Avoid Walking Around Barefooted

Chronic diabetes has an impact on how your body uses blood sugar. Diabetes frequently results in nerve damage and poor circulation, which can cause a range of issues, including foot issues. People with diabetes need to take proper care of their feet and refrain from going barefoot. Here are five justifications:

1. Injury potential.

Barefoot walking might increase the risk of injury, particularly for diabetics. You might not notice when you step on a sharp object or stub your toe if you have neuropathy, a condition where there is damage to the nerves that makes it difficult to sense pain or discomfort in the feet. An infection, which can be difficult to treat and take a long time to recover, can result from even a little injury. An infection may even force an amputation in some circumstances.

2. Possibility of cuts and bruising.

Poor circulation is a common symptom of diabetes, which can make it challenging for the body to heal scrapes and bruises. The risk of cuts and bruising on the feet increases when one is barefoot and can have catastrophic consequences. Simple wounds like cuts and bruises can develop into infected wounds very fast, which can take weeks or even months to cure.

3. Potential for fungi infections.

Diabetes patients frequently contract fungus infections, which might be made worse by barefoot walking. In warm, damp places like locker rooms and public showers, fungi flourish. You might expose your feet to fungi that can result in athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and other illnesses if you roam around barefoot in these places.

4. Burns danger.

Burns are also more likely to occur when one is barefoot. Diabetes frequently causes nerve degeneration, which can make it challenging for diabetics to feel when something is too hot. This may result in unintentional burns from hot surfaces near swimming pools, scorching sand, or hot pavement.

5. Falling-off risk.

Balance issues are more common in people with diabetes, which can raise the risk of falling. It can be more challenging to keep balance when you’re barefoot, especially on uneven or slick surfaces. Serious injuries can result from falls, especially for elderly people.

In conclusion, it is not advised for those with diabetes to go barefoot. Injury, wounds, bruises, fungus infections, burns, and falls risk can all rise as a result. Always wear shoes and socks when walking to keep your feet safe and avoid issues, especially if you’re strolling outside or in public. Moreover, you should periodically check your feet for any indications of damage or infection and visit a doctor if you do. You can help prevent significant consequences and maintain your health while living with diabetes by taking proper care of your feet.