Examine The Health Advantages Of Tomatoes

Tomatoes, which are native to South America, are members of the nightshade family of fruits. Chilli peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and other familiar vegetables are all members of the family. Its scientific name is Lycopersicon esculentum. This exotic vegetable is grown and available for consumption throughout the year.

Helps to prevent cancer

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that contribute to the growth of cancer. They are unstable and are constantly looking for other atoms or molecules to bond with. As a result, it causes oxidative stress, which severely harms the cells. Furthermore, free radicals degrade all of the cells’ essential components, such as DNA, proteins, and cell membranes.

Antioxidants reduce the effects of oxidative stress and help to prevent the formation of free radicals. Furthermore, they donate their atoms to free radicals, making them stable.

Lycopene (an antioxidant) is a polyphenol or plant constituent found in tomatoes that aids in the prevention of prostate cancer. It is also responsible for tomatoes’ distinctive reddish color. According to one study, tomato products account for 80 percent of the dietary lycopene consumed in the United States.

Another study suggests that consuming beta- carotene may lower the risk of developing colon cancer. Eating Beta- carotene- rich foods can also help prevent colorectal cancer. Furthermore, according to another study, consuming a high amount of beta- carotene prevents the development of tumors in prostate cancer.

Consuming fiber from fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.

Blood Pressure Management

Keeping your blood pressure under control is made easier with a low sodium diet. At the same time, potassium consumption aids in blood pressure reduction. Tomatoes are high in potassium, which helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.

A high potassium intake reduces the amount of sodium in the body by facilitating sodium removal through the kidneys. Potassium’ s effects on the arteries, which widen them, may be significant. Furthermore, it alleviates the increased and accumulated tension in the blood vessel walls. As a result, it lowers blood pressure even more.

According to one study, a high potassium intake and a low sodium intake reduce the risk of death from all of these causes by 20%.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Tomatoes contain a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and choline. All of these are good for your heart. Raising potassium consumption and decreasing salt intake is an important dietary change to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Potassium prevents calcium buildup in smooth muscle cells found in arteries. This is known as vascular calcification.

Vascular calcification is harmful to the heart

because it hardens the arteries and reduces blood flow even further. High potassium intake, on the other hand, lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevents muscle degeneration. It also helps to maintain bone mineral density and reduces the formation of kidney stones.

This vegetable contains folate, which helps to keep homocysteine levels in check. Homocysteine is an amino acid that our bodies produce when proteins are broken down. Furthermore, studies indicate that it increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. As a result, when folate manages homocysteine levels, it lowers the risk of heart disease.

Diabetes Management

According to research, people with type 1 diabetes who consume a high- fibre diet may have lower blood glucose levels. Simultaneously, people with type 2 diabetes may have lower blood sugar, lipid, and insulin levels.

A cup of cherry tomatoes contains about 2 grams of fibre. Furthermore, with a GI of less than 15, they are a low GI food and an excellent choice for diabetics.

A study found that eating 200 grams of raw tomato per day (equivalent to 1. 5 medium tomatoes) reduces blood pressure in adults with type 2 diabetes. Consuming tomatoes may also help to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes.