What happens when you don’t floss your teeth often |

We all know that brushing teeth twice a day is important for maintaining oral health, however that alone is not enough. We also need to floss teeth as it helps with prevention of gum diseases and tooth decay.

Flossing teeth can help with reaching the 40% of the tooth surface that toothbrushes can’t reach. In this article we will navigate through the things that can happen if you do not floss often as shared byMouthHealthyandSmile Dental Center.
Plaque buildup

According toSmile DentalCenter, when plaque builds up on the teeth, it can become hard and later form into tartar which is a yellowish substance that is known for damaging teeth and gums. If plaque is not attended to, it can lead to having inflamed gums.
Tartar formation on teeth

The above-mentioned publication says this is a hard, yellowish deposit that forms on teeth when plaque is not removed.
Discolored and stained teeth

MouthHealthystates that this happens because of the tartar that is not removed from teeth, this means teeth will turn brown and yellowish making it difficult to remove. This can lead to a person losing self-confidence and feeling embarrassed about their teeth appearance.
Gum disease

Not removing plaque and tartar can result to irritation on the gums which can make them inflamed. This is called gingivitis; it can make gums to turn red and swollen. If untreated, it can progress to periodontitis (more serious gum disease), saysMouthHealthy.
Bad breath

Plaque and tartar can also cause bad breath, something called halitosis. When the bacteria in the plaque and tartar multiply, they also release toxins that have a foul odor, saysSmile Dental Center.

By trying to floss more often many of oral health problems can be avoided.