How to Feel Better Faster When Dealing With a Hangover

A night of drinks can be fun, but if you have too much, there is nothing cute about a hangover. The pounding headache, intense nausea, dry mouth, upset stomach, trouble sleeping, and dizziness rank high on the worst-feelings-ever list, and you’re likely googling “emergency hangover cure.”

Dealing with a hangover isn’t the most glamorous, but there are certainly some best hangover cures to keep in mind. If you’re in the throes of the dreadful aftermath, here’s what you need to know, including how to prevent a hangover, how long hangovers last, and the best hangover cures.

Know this: if you’re going to go out and toss back more than a few drinks, you’re going to pay the price; the body isn’t designed to drink lots of alcohol

and feel great the next day. But before you even get to the worst-case scenario, there are a few things that can help you prevent a hangover altogether — or at least make it a bit more manageable.

Here’s the thing about hangovers: they can be unpredictable and depend on how much and what you drank, Dr. Purdy says. Luckily, though, most hangovers are gone within 24 hours, she adds.

Some hangovers may last a second day, but doing some of the preventable suggestions above can shorten the sickening feeling and help you bounce back, Dr. Purdy explains.

If you’re feeling less than stellar after a night of drinking, next-day care is key for recovery.

For starters: more alcohol. You’ve likely heard of the “hair of the dog” method, but drinking more alcohol while hungover can actually make things worse. Not only will more booze further dehydrate you, but it perpetuates a cycle and doesn’t allow you to recover, according to Harvard Health.

Coffee may provide some immediate relief, but too much caffeine when hungover can also make matters worse. All caffeinated drinks have a diuretic effect (aka it makes you pee), so multiple cups of coffee will continue to deplete your hydration reserves, per the Cleveland Clinic. Plus, coffee might worsen your hangover headache since the caffeine narrows blood vessels and raises blood pressure, which could amplify the painful throbbing.

It’s also best to take a day off from any intense workouts. On its own, exercise is not an effective cure against a hangover, said Ruth C. Engs, RN, Ed.D., a professor at Indiana University who has done extensive research on the effects of drinking. While the endorphin rush can counteract the pain (albeit momentarily), the dehydration that comes along with an intense exercise session can worsen symptoms.

If you can’t bear to miss a workout, take into account how bad you’re feeling, and then opt for a light cardio session or restorative yoga

class. But what your body probably needs right now is rest.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any super-quick fixes to cure a hangover and make you feel better immediately. That said, Dr. Purdy says the big four will get you back on track: drink water, take a pain reliever, eat some carbs, and go to bed.

If your hangover feels like a real emergency, seek medical attention immediately. “Most hangovers go away on their own, but sometimes you may have alcohol poisoning, which would require a visit to A&E,” Dr. Purdy says. Typical signs of alcohol poisoning include low body temperature, change in skin colour, passing out unconscious and/or hard to wake up, unresponsiveness, seizures, vomiting, irregular or difficult breathing, confusion, disorientation, and slurred speech, she adds