Keeping Your Abs Engaged In A Gym Free World

Have you ever thought of a healthier alternative to keep your abs engaged? What about toning and strengthening your abs while walking to class?

Normally when you would think of working out, you try to plan it before or after class, so that you have the time set aside to focus on your workout, but you can put exercises anywhere in your schedule throughout the day. You are able to workout in a gym, at home, or outdoors.

Core exercises train the muscles in your body to work together, strengthening your balance and stability. Most sports, daily functions, and physical activities require using your core muscles.

“If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you,” was mentioned by Orriell Williams, a gastric sleeve surgery patient, after she could not seem to lose weight because of her inconsistent weight loss journey.

In order to maintain a great relationship with your body, you have to practice engaging your core at any time by feeling your ribs expand to the sides.

At the same time, you inhale, then as you exhale, contract and zip up your abs, thinking about doing any activity that will include pulling your navel up to your spine.

“I try to even out my sitting and standing goals using my apple watch. I walk to the mailbox instead of driving and go up and down the stairs all day while at work to put in that extra work to keep the body that I desire intact,” said Williams.

After speaking with Taelor Harden, a fitness fanatic, she shares that you can workout and finds shortcut alternatives that will allow your body to stay fit and implement workouts to tone her abs daily. Harden suggests that if you want to continue to tone your abs while having a gym at your fingertips, utilize the space and time that you have.