19 Infuriating Stories Of Times Doctors Didn’t Take Women’s Pain Seriously

“Thankfully, I was concerned enough with the possibility of a concussion that I didn’t follow his advice. Fast forward nearly a month later, I found a doctor that would take me seriously. Turns out, I had a severe concussion that was so bad, I couldn’t remember how to write my own name. I also had nerve damage and had hurt two disks in my back, among a host of other problems. I had short term memory loss, aphasia, and vision problems that lasted well over a year and affected memories of my wedding that was a couple months later. The doctor that finally believed me only did so because he requested my SAT scores and the near perfect score was a stark contrast to the woman he now saw in front of him that struggled to string a sentence together. It was humiliating. I genuinely believe the other doctors just thought I was a ‘dumb blonde’ and dismissed me. Thank goodness I’m doing better now, but I’m still in some degree of pain every day. I wish the first doctor had just listened and treated me with some kindness.”

“One night shortly after my diagnosis, the pain was so bad that I couldn’t do anything but sit in my bed and cry and hold myself in a ball. My mom took me back up to the ER, and I ended up puking into a bucket that a nurse got mad at me for. The only doctor that could do anything for me, aka perform an emergency surgery, was done for the day and didn’t want to come back in. The doctor and the nurses were calling and begging her to come in and see me but she refused because ‘she had a surgery scheduled so I’m not coming in for her.’ The doctor working that night finally told us to go to the hospital in the next town the next day and they performed an emergency surgery on me.”

“He called my mom and she said call an ambulance. Apparently, I had had a stroke…at 28. My mom wondered how my doctor had not seen how much pain I was in during my exam because it was apparent that I was ailing. I got to go back to school the week after spring break in 2018. But yeah, I’ve had a stroke. 100% do not recommend!”

“He was checking her out and noticed she looked like she had a tan, asked her if she goes in the sun a lot, she said no, and he said, ‘I think I know what’s going on,’ and sends her to for some tests. While she is being pushed on the gurney to get the tests, she goes into cardiac arrest and code blues on the gurney in the elevator. They revive her and finish the test. Come to find out that when she had the flu, she had an auto-immune disease that took out her thyroid, adrenaline and Pituitary glands. The doctor explained that when you have her condition, if you only treat the Thyroid and not the Adrenaline gland at the same time, it is a life threatening situation, as we found out the hard way. The tan or bronzed color skin is a sign the adrenaline gland is not working. He put two and two together. The ER doctor saved her life, had another doctor been on duty that day, she would have died. The doctor said he probably would never see that again in his career.”