The Best Blood Group For Longevity And Health

A lot of factors may play role in determining our health and lifespan. Scientists say that your blood group may also affect your health and lifespan.

We have the A, B, AB and O blood groups. These blood groups have the rhesis positive and rhesis negative types. But the rhesis positive blood groups are more common.

According to scientists, your blood group may affect your health and lifespan. This is because some blood groups have more chances of getting some diseases than others.

Coronary artery disease.

According to WebMD, there is good news for people with the O blood group because scientists say that they have less chance of suffering coronary artery disease than people who have other blood groups.

According to the health authority, experts do not know why. Some think that the other blood groups such A, B and AB are more likely to carry cholesterol and proteins that may cause blood clotting.

Stomach cancer

In similar vein, scientists also say that people who have A, B, and AB are more likely to get stomach cancer than people who have the O blood group.

According to WebMD, specifically people who have the O blood group have less chances of getting stomach cancer than people with other blood groups.

Researchers believe that it is because h. Pylori infection is more common in people with the A blood group.

Pancreatic cancer.

Researchers also believe that people who have blood groups A, B and AB are more likely to get pancreatic cancer than people with the O blood group.

This is also because h.pylori infection is more common in people with these blood groups than the O blood group.


According WebMD, people with the A blood group tend to have more cortisol than other blood groups. So you may have a hard time dealing with stress.


Malaria is among the most deadly diseases in Nigeria. It is caused by a parasite from female anopheles mosquito. Researchers say that this parasite may have a harder time attaching itself to the O blood type.

Blood clots.

People with blood groups A, B and AB are more likely to have VTE than people with blood group O. Most heart diseases and stroke occur as a result of blood clots at different parts of the body.

Peptic Ulcers.

Painful open sores that may happen in the lining of your stomach or intestines is more common in people with blood group O.


Conclusively scientists believe that people with blood group O have higher chance of living long because their risks of heart diseases is lower.

However even though you have the blood groups with higher risks; you may also lower your risks of heart diseases by living a healthy lifestyle.

People with O blood group should also observe healthy living to enjoy the benefits associated with their blood group maximally